I'm building a DCC booster that at present uses one LMD18200 as per the circuit diagram. This gives me a continuous current draw of 3A, however I'd ideally like much more amperage (since I'm running a number of model trains with this at once, and it's not unusual for the older motors to draw well over 500mA under load, plus lights and smoke generators.. it adds up quickly.)
Usually I'd just look for a more powerful HBridge, but in this case I need relatively fast rise and fall times to remain within DCC spec - something I haven't been able to find elsewhere in a more powerful HBridge. The rise time with 1 LMD18200, with appropriate caps is around 100ns which is well within the DCC spec of 500ns - so it doesn't matter if this suffers a bit, as long as it doesn't get pushed beyond 500.
At present my knowledge is nothing more than some HBridges can be paired up in parallel safely and others can't because one will likely take the vast majority of the load and end up burning out anyway - so is an LMD18200 safe in this respect? Just as importantly, will the rise / fall times suffer beyond the spec? And if this feasible, what route would you recommend taking?