What I want to do is have a circuit with a 555 timer (which is what I have available) that works the opposite of what a monostable circuit should do—well, kind of. What I mean is, on a regular monostable circuit, when the trigger is connected, out turns HIGH and remains HIGH for an amount of time depending on the RC network, right? What I want to do is to have the trigger impulse start a countdown and only after the countdown, the output turns HIGH for—I don't know—a pulse, something between 0 and 1 seconds. How should I do this?
I need to be able to regulate the time it is off before turning on, the on time should stay the same.
The purpose is to "fool" an automatic door to think the close limit is on so the motor stops after the output goes high, this way I can open the door like 30% or 50%, depends on the time the output on the 555 is low.