I am trying to add Diac component into my OrCAD v16.5 Schematic Layout. But, I only find this code below as a netlist. Even Though, I can't include the netlist into OrCAD Capture perfectly. It didn't worked. There is no Diac component in among OrCAD Capture libraries. I really searched too many times in web. The question is: How can I work with diacs in OrCAD Capture? The real Diacs are commonly named as: DB3, DB4, DB5, BR100, ER900. But there is nothing in OrCAD :(
.subckt diac 1 2
*Based on BR100 measured data
*Convergence problems often occur with this model
*If you have a better model please tell me
Vdummy 1 5 dc 0
Ediac 5 2 TABLE {I(Vdummy)} =
+ (-10.06m,-20.46) (-9m,-20.5) (-7.02m,-20.72) (-5.98m,-20.89)
+ (-5.05m, -21.11) (-3.26m,-21.91) (-2.15m,-22.96) (-1.6m,-23.99)
+ (-7.2n, -32.5) (-4.0n, -32) (-3.2n,-31) (-2.9n,-30) (-2.5n,-28.03)
+ (-2.3n,-25.27) (-2n,-20.15) (-1.9n,-15) (-1.8n,-7.96) (-1.5n,-1.2)
+ (0,0) (1.6n,1.24) (1.65n,5.15) (1.7n,7.91) (1.8n,10.1) (1.9n,15)
+ (2.1n,20) (2.4n,25.28) (2.9n,28.26) (3.3n,30.5) (1.6m,23.21) (2.3m,22.16)
+ (3.1m,21.44) (4.05m,20.99) (5.01m,20.65) (6.04m,20.32)
+ (6.98m,20.14) (8.09m,20.02) (9.08m,20.02) (10.12m,19.91)
.ends diac