I'm designing a 24V to 350V DC-DC Converter based on a H-Bridge. The power requirement is 500W and the circuit operates at 20KHz. The design works fairly well and I've achieved about 90% efficiency at 200W load. The main issue with the circuit is ringing. The waveforms distort/ring when the transformer is connected to the H-Bridge. Without the transformer the waveforms are extremely clean, even under load. Picture below shows waveforms with the transformer connected but without any load.
I found that adding a capacitor across all my FETs helped minimize the distortion severely. Here's a picture from my o-scope demonstrating this (left is without load, right is with 200W resistive load). Note that the output from the transformer is rectified with a full-bridge rectifier and smoothed by a capacitor:
So my question is: why are capacitors across my FETs minimizing the distortion? What is taking place in the circuit? I initially added a RC snubber across the FETs but the circuit works much better without the resistors and just the capacitor!
Here's a picture of the schematic and the layout: