I'm trying to compile a project for school, which all my fellow classmates have no trouble compiling. This assignment is nothing more than dragging already written source code and compiling an, already proven to be a working, program. I have added the file startup_stm32f30x.s from ST Microelectronics website, as per instructions in my school assignment, and i have not modified it at all. When i hit Rebuild all IAR gives errors on basically everything assembler.
For example:
and ENDP
gives Error[40] Bad Instruction.
EXPORT Reset_Handler [WEAK]
gives Error[0] Invalid syntax
gives a rather verbose error called
Error[413]: 'ALIGN' is illegal. Use directive ALIGNROM or ALIGNRAM (the first parameter is raised to the power of 2, the second is a 32-bit fill value).
I am right at the start of the course, and i am not supposed to yet be able to handle, and/or find solutions beyond your ye olde "Gosh! I forgot to plug the cable in".
Does anyone have an idea of where to continue now? I will happily supply whatever more information is needed to understand my problem, but please be patient with me being a noob on these things!