I have just begun in the world of microcontrollers, and the first microcontroller. I chose to work with was the PIC from Microchip. The PIC I am using is the PIC16F877A. I am using MPLAB IDE and HI-TECH C. I am trying to make an extremely simple program that turns on an LED. This is the code I am using:
#define _XTAL_FREQ 8000000
int main()
TRISB0 = 0;
RB0 = 1;
When I hook up the PIC to my circuit the LED does not turn on. Here is my circuit diagram and a picture of my circuit:
A few other notes about my circuit:
- I am using a 9 volt battery hooked up to a 7805 regulator for the power supply.
- I have measured the voltage coming from pin RB0 with a multimeter and it measures 0.0 V.
- If there is no problem with my circuit I could have programmed the chip wrong.
- My capacitors hooked up with my crystal are 22 pf, not 22 µf as in the schematic.
- I have put 100 µf capacitors between pins 11 and 12 and between 31 and 32.