I'm looking at powering an embedded board PC using a 12V PSU and I'm having some trouble due to inrush current. The board draws 5A for about 1ms on startup and unfortunately this trips my PSU's overcurrent protection. I did some research online and it looks like I can get an inrush current limiter from Digikey (http://www.digikey.com/product-search/en/circuit-protection/inrush-current-limiters-icl/656273).
My question is will these inrush current limiters work for a DC output, or is there a better way around this? I've only seen people talk about using the inrush limiters at the input side of AC-DC converters, although some places mention it can be used in DC scenarios, but with no examples.
If these inrush current limiters will work for my purpose, do I just pick one with a steady state max current that's lower than my PSU's maximum output, and pick one with an R@25c value that gives me an acceptable current limit at 12V?