After tweaking the domains, the run-time duration of the simulation and the location of the probe I discovered that there was no mistake. Below I've attached a picture of the graph blown-up.
Recently I've become interested in self-studying electrical circuits and upon my scholastic quest I've stumbled upon a problem.
To my understanding, a half-wave rectifier is meant to eliminate the "negative portion" when graphed using a sine representation when tested on a simulator, but I don't seem to be getting the same result.
The other problem that I'm facing is trying to run a simulation of a full-wave rectifier.
I'm using PartSim, which is a completely free simulator (Not an expert with it... yet).
I'll attach some pictures of the circuits that I made and also the apparent simulation results.
Thanks in advance!
My Diagram of Half Wave Rect:
Graph of Simulation of Half Wave Rectifier:
Zoomed in Depiction of Graph:
My Diagram of Full Wave Rect: