Linked Questions

6 votes
3 answers

Why do Class AB amplifiers use a pair of diodes instead of a resistor?

I understand that in a Class AB amplifier, a pair of diodes are placed between the bases of the two transistors to slightly forward bias both bases. Why are diodes typically used to provide the ...
brendans-bits's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Cascading common emitter and common collector

I am trying to design an amplifier for a 1 W 8 ohm speaker for educational purposes. The idea is to start from a common emitter amplifier to amplify voltage and then add a common collector (emitter ...
Rojj's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Is there a difference between specialized audio amplifier and general op-amp silicon?

I've been doing some research into creating a DIY audio amplifier from line-level inputs to speaker level power. I found a guide centered around the LM386 Low Voltage Audio Power Amplifier on YouTube ...
ifconfig's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

How to properly use an op-amp?

ever since posting here I never been so lost of using op-amps before, hearing new things that I have never heard before (Vom, Vcm etc). I always thought OP AMPS is just plug it in and it will work ...
Leoc's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

BJT 2 stage Amp. Output problem

So I built the following circuit to amplify the output from my microphone. I am testing it using a 1KHz sinewave of 10mV peak value. The Mic is biased using a 10k resistor. The signal is input into a ...
hacker804's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

BJT Differential amplifier design and issues with gain and DC operating point

I am working my way through the Art of Electronics and I have today studied the differential amplifier. I aam having issues with Exercise 2.18: Design a differential amplifier to run from ±5V supply ...
MattiaM's user avatar
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Common emitter bjt amp Q point with and without current mirror

What is the real benefit of voltage divider CE BJT amplifier schematic like that? If I use different BJT's in real life with various betta I'll give different voltage drops XMM1. Different betta of ...
MaxMil's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

Protection diodes in an audio amplifier

How do the diodes protect the input of amplifier from excess voltage in the circuit below?
Flaiber's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Cant understand an ab amplifier diagram

I been trying to figure out this diagram, and Can't understand what happens from the beginning of the input , how the voltage changes in a way that "shuts off" one transistor. Also cant understand the ...
RustyHearth's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Effect of the Load on a Class AB Amplifier

I am getting into the world of analog electronics, although it is much more challenging it is much more interesting. Im dabbling into audio and would like to build an op-amp amplifier followed with a ...
Cal Hensley's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How does the LM386 work?

I am not an electrical engineer, but I am curious enough and my mind tells me to make a radio circuit. Now I am into it, so to make one, I need some components, but before that so that I can be a ...
SHikha Mittal's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

What is making this LM386 circuit so distorted?

I found this circuit on a YouTube video and tried copying it down into a circuit for testing, but the audio that comes out of it is really low quality and distorted. I don't expect sterling quality ...
Michael Cordingley's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How is the quiescent current and emmiter resistor determined on the driver and pre-drivers of a class-AB audio amplifier output stage

I am reading online about discrete audio amplifiers. I have learned about the input differential pair, the voltage amplifier stage, and now I'm learning about the output stage. I have learned that you ...
johnny24's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

I can't figure out what this circuit does

I'm an electrical engineering student. The picture below shows a circuit that I found in some old notes but I cannot figure it out. I have been at it for the last 2 days but to no avail. Some things ...
kosgian90's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to find collector resistor value in bjt differential amplifier

What value R2 may have in that schema? Anyway it will be loaded by pn-junction of Q5 and will have fixed voltage drop near 0.65V. What value R2 must have if the current source is used instead R1? The ...
MaxMil's user avatar
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