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2 answers

Non-inverting switching 24 V with 3.3 V signal using a MOSFET

We have a reset circuit used in a peak-hold amplifier. Under normal conditions, a capacitor on the peak-hold circuit is grounded by RST1 (see circuit). P0-0 is a fixed 24 V voltage from the supply. ...
user2668812's user avatar
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I want to control 24V relay with NVIDIA Jetson

I have NVIDIA Jetson Nano Developer. I want to control a 24V relay with Jetson pins but I am undecided on which method to use. (Transistor, MOSFET) The other thing to know is that Jetson pins work at ...
sentago's user avatar
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1 answer

Arduino RGBW 24v LED strip driver

This might not even be the right place for me to ask, but I hope somebody can help; I have an arduino mega with 4 PWM outputs (5v, fitted with 220 ohm resistor) that I would like to use to control ...
Sokonomi's user avatar
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High Voltage Push-Pull MOSFET logic gates

Hello, I would like to implement typical MOSFET logic gates in my circuit with V+ at 24V and Input ranging from 0-24V. This posts a problem for the MOSFET however as I would either exceed the gate ...
Wet Feet's user avatar
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Arduino 24VDC motor speed control

I have designed a circuit with some resources from this website and I attached it here. I have given circuit connection in a breadboard and successfully run and control the speed of the motor. After a ...
CNA's user avatar
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Voltage drop @24V2A using a MOSFET with Arduino

I'm not really good with electronics but i'm really trying to learn as much as i can, so please have mercy on my question :) Hardware So, i have an Arduino Uno, a 24V 150W power supply, a 24V 48W LED ...
Lyubomir Lyubenov's user avatar
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5a 24v mosfet h bridge to power solenoid

I created a mosfet h bridge based on the design from bristolwatch. I'm using it to power a solenoid (that needs +24v or -24v to open/close a valve). If I connect the solenoid directly up to my ...
mosfetnoob's user avatar
-1 votes
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0-5V PWM to analog 0-24VDC voltage with MOSFET

Im having trouble understanding how or if it even is possible to regulate a voltage with a MOSFET. I want to regulate an output voltage of 0-24VDC 0.5A(continuosly) with the duty cycle of a 0-5V 1kHz ...
Andy90's user avatar
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1 answer

Driving a load with 1.8V input

I have a Gumstix expansion board and want to make it communicate with some 24V PLCs. I've read these topics for reference: 1.8V to 5V, still not comfortable with transistors Transistors: why are ...
tarik's user avatar
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