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Questions tagged [74ls161]

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5 votes
3 answers

74LS161 miscounting

Following Ben Eater's 8-bit computer assembly, my program counter, which is built out of 74LS161s, does not count correctly. In trying to figure out the issue, I have completely isolated the circuit ...
bamboo1's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Why are my 74F chips incompatible with 74LS?

I have a functioning electronic project I made as a hobby using SN74LS161 4 bit counters and SN74LS08 quad AND gates. I replaced the counters with SN74F161 which are supposed to be faster but have the ...
Andrea Bianchi's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Counter glitching? Instability? Can't get a trigger lock on the scope, what might that be?

I have a 4 MHz clock and 4 x 74LS161 4-bit counters hooked up to get a 16 bit counter. It's all done how I have done it many times, synchronous with clock going into all the counters and RCO of ...
Gunther Schadow's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

I need diodes to build a R-2R ladder DAC from original TTL chips (not Arduino) don't I?

I am thinking through how I could turn my analog oscilloscope with X-Y mode and Z input in the back into a simple computer monitor. I am learning about generating a proper sawtooth with a constant ...
Gunther Schadow's user avatar