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Questions tagged [accelerometer]

A sensor to measure acceleration.

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2 answers

Connecting Multiple Sensors to ESP32-C3-MINI-1-N4 Using Limited GPIO Pins

I'm working with an ESP32-C3-MINI-1-N4 and need to connect four sensors: an accelerometer, a temperature sensor, and two infrared pulse sensors. Due to space constraints, I only have GPIO 8 and GPIO 9 ...
achraf achraf's user avatar
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Interference Issues with Arduino Mega + 2xSPI devices

I’m currently working on a project using an Arduino Mega, where I have two devices connected via SPI: a BB-ADS1220 (for reading 2 strain gauges) and an LSM6DSO (accelerometer/gyroscope). I was able to ...
Frusciante89's user avatar
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Determining orientation of an IMU inside rocket [closed]

I currently have an Adafruit ISM330DHCX IMU on the way, and it will be put inside of a rocket which will be controlled using Thrust Vector Control (controlling the engine's thrust on 2 axes). I now am ...
Kirill McQuillin's user avatar
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How to calculate the 0 g offset of an accelerometer versus the upper and lower temperature limits?

I'm verifying the Bosch SMI230 accelerometer, and the documentation states that the zero-g offset temperature drift is ±0.2 mg/K. I want to calculate the upper and lower limit values for the 0 g ...
leo_0916's user avatar
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How to calculate the orientation of one 3-axis inclinometer related to another

The scenario is quite complex to be described but it can be narrowed down as follow. I have a small object (my device) that is placed in any orientation on a surface of a giant shpere, let's say with ...
Mark's user avatar
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ADXL345 reading using STM32F103C8T6 Gives only 0

Hi i try to interface an ADXL345 using stm32f103C8T6 through SPI protocol, when i press reset button it gives some value to me but some time later it gives only 0 on all axes even when i try to move ...
Wahyu Dwi's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Accelerometer readings not consistently increasing during movement

I want my code to be able to determine the direction of motion for the LIS2DE12 accelerometer. I did a test where I had the accelerometer on a breadboard (connected to the STM32) and logged the values ...
donut's user avatar
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LSM303AGR burnt, help find the schematic error

I am just testing the board, it was working fine but after some 3-4 hours, I noticed the 3V3 had shorted to GND, I was measuring 0.5V on the power source. I inspected with a thermal camera and the ...
Tomás Arturo Herrera Castro's user avatar
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Problem with SPI Communication - STM32 Nucleo U575ZI-Q/STEVAL-MKI168V1

I am currently learning by working on a project in which I have to establish a SPI communication between a Nucleo U575ZI-Q and a STEVAL-MKI168V1 (IIS2DH eval board). To set up the Nucleo board and its ...
Nasser Shehadeh's user avatar
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How do I convert an I2S/TDM signal to a CAN signal

I'm getting output from the Analog Devices ADXL317 and I want to convert the output signal to a CAN signal. I don't think many CAN transceivers can take input from the I2S bus, so I need to find ...
Skop's user avatar
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LIS2DW12TR accerometer overheating massively when connected with I2C

I have 4 LIS2DW12TR accelerometers connected to an Seeed Studio ESP-32 S3. The accelerometers get extremely hot when they're connected to 3.3V. They are not recognised with an I2C scan. The ...
okay_computer's user avatar
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MPU6050 - detect opposite of free fall - z-axis pull up detection

I'm struggling with getting a functionality similar to the free fall detection, but into the opposite direction - so to the top, f.e. if someone PULLING UP the sensor fastly. I'm using an Arduino and ...
playmobox's user avatar
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LIS2DE12 configuration for interrupt when going from stillness to motion and vice versa

I'm having difficulties understanding how to configure the LIS2DE12 for generating interrupts. Especially the filter part is obscure to me. The task is to make the accelerometer generate an interrupt ...
Christoffer Kolbe Boye-Hansen's user avatar
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Accelerometer Scale parameter

I am using X-NUCLEO-IKS01A3 Shield for my NUCLEO-F401RE platform. I want to get accelerometer readings so I am using LSM6DSO IMU sensor for that. I tried creating some functions to easily control ...
Dominykas's user avatar
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Calculating Yaw from Relative position of 2 accelerometers

First of all, apologies for the length. I'm building a drone and have come across the issue of a 6 degree IMU being unable to calculate a sufficiently stable yaw number on it's own. The normal ...
MikeB's user avatar
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Accelerometer sensitivity

I'm working with a MEMS Accelerometer, specifically the MS 3028. In it, the sensitivity is given as the following: That seems like exceptionally large variation in sensitivity. I am aware that this ...
HFOrangefish's user avatar
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2 answers

Input/output resistance for an accelerometer/Wheatstone bridge

I am looking at the MS 3028 Piezoresistive Accelerometer. This is the internal schematic of the component, as a Wheatstone bridge, which per my understanding means it's a quarter bridge with other ...
HFOrangefish's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Accelerometer output mA/g; how to get to mV/g?

Using a Q-Flex QA2000-030 accelerometer that has output of current. It has a scale factor of 1.2 mA/g. If I want to get the output as 0.1 V/g-- how should I go about making the change? Would an op-amp ...
gup08's user avatar
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I can't get the WHO_AM_I address from the LIS3DSH accelerometer. SPI. STM32

I want to get the WHO_AM_I address from the accelerometer LIS3DSH, which is located on the STM32F407VGT6 board. To be more precise, after I press Hardreset many ...
stm's user avatar
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How to determine orientation for MPU9250 accelerometer?

I am having some trouble to understand the axis orientation of my MPU9250 chip. So this is my chip: My understanding is that the positive x and y axis are as per what has been marked in the chip and ...
Sayantan Das's user avatar
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How to connecting two ADXL345 (GY-291 modules) to one Arduino UNO R3 by using pin jumper?

I am having some trouble in connecting two independent ADXL345 (GY-291 modules) to my one Arduino UNO R3. Before this I tried using one ADXL345 and it works perfectly, but in my project I need to use ...
Airidz's user avatar
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How to connect LIS3DHTR accelerometer pins?

I want use LIS3DHTR in one of my projects. I have problem with some pins of this sensor. ADC pins: I want to connect some sensors with wire to jumper, is it OK? Datasheet said we can connect ADC pins ...
Moka's user avatar
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Difference between accelerometer and vibrometer

I'm trying to understand the difference between an accelerometer and a vibrometer. That is, from the name I can imagine that one is used to measure accelerations and the other vibrations, but if I ...
Federico Massimi's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to remove Earth's gravity DC component from accelerometer readings?

I am programming LIS2DE12 and IIM-42352 accelerometers in C and want to register movement of an object, for this I need to take values and compare them with pre set threshold values. But the problem ...
Dominykas's user avatar
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Why does IMU acceleration bias increase with increase in acceleration?

I am trying to estimate the wheel speed scale factor of a vehicle. I find that whenever the vehicle accelerates rapidly,the estimated speed is lower than the true speed. In other words, I see bias in ...
user146290's user avatar
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LIS2DE12 accelerometer sleep-to-wake, wake-to-sleep configurations

I am having a difficult time understanding some of accelerometer register entries, what exactly I need to write to them and what do they mean. To start with, I am trying to program LIS2DE12 ...
Dominykas's user avatar
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Converting accelerometer readings to center of IMU

I recently purchased 3 single axis accelerometers for tracking acceleration of a vehicle. I have used a box like structure to mount each accelerometer orthogonal to each other ( As much as possible) ...
Akash Sagar's user avatar
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IIM-42352 interrupt triggers multiple times, when condition is only met once

Currently I am working with esp32-s3-mini system which communicates with IIM-42352 accelerometer via SPI. My configurations are as follows: *FIFO mode- stream to FIFO *Packet size- 16 bytes *Interrupt ...
Dominykas's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

How to get the velocity with an acceleration sensor (ADXL345)?

I want to calculate the speed with the help of an acceleration sensor, such as a ADXL345. I thought that it should be integrated, but according to the information that I have received, it seems that ...
Ho3ein H K's user avatar
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Understanding MPU6050 readings

This forum has been extremely helpful so far for me working on my project so I thank this great community! I am currently using an MPU6050 6 axis accelerometer and gyroscope with my arduino, but I am ...
Ark4747's user avatar
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ADXL345 Interrupt doesn't work

I am using adxl345 with arduino. I am using sparkfun's library. I am using adxl345 with I2C. I can read adxl345 value without any problem and I can detect inactivity and activity. ...
Tryingtogetsome's user avatar
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Different accelerometer values for signal processing

I am trying to process accelerometer values. I found data sets from different accelerometer modules. Their output values are completely different. For example: I am collecting +-16g range 13-bits ...
karl0101's user avatar
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LIS2DE12 accelerometer data reading through UMFT201XB

I am trying to read the acceleration data in the X, Y and Z axes from the LIS2DE12 accelerometer which is connected to an I2C-to-USB adapter, it is UMFT201XB. I am using a virtual machine in ...
Escris's user avatar
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FXOS8700CQ accelerometer sensor interrupt output not working

I am trying to get interrupt output on INT2 pin of FXOS8700CQ sensor when the FXOS8700CQ sensor is moved, but anyhow i cannot do this. i did setup the register perfectly. please check my following ...
paple khan's user avatar
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External synchronization of a AD MEMS acceleration sensor (ADXL355)

sadly, the AD help page was not very helpful therefore I'm posting here with the hope that the collective intelligence here can help me with my problem. I'm struggling with the external ...
Steradiant's user avatar
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Reading data with ADXL345 only when new data arrives

I am using ADXL345 with Uno and ESP32. I am using ADXL345 with 50 Hz like this : ...
Tryingtogetsome's user avatar
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Gated buffer SN74LVC1G125 seems not to work with ADXL357 SPI connection. What is going on?

N.B. this question is cross posted from Analog Devices forum, but wasn't expecting much answer there so I'm also putting it here. Hope that's okay. I have a PCB prototype whereby an ADXL357 is ...
daniel's user avatar
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What is the common dynamic range in "g" of a cell phone accelerometer?

I am trying to get an idea of what sensor to pick for an application. Right now it is between a ±5 g accelerometer and ±1 g accelerometer. The application is similar to that of a cell phone.
adamaero's user avatar
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Why does the ADXL345 (3-axis accelerometer) have a SPI input?

I have a DE10-Lite board which has an ADXL345 (3-axis accelerometer) on it. Today I am trying to use it and write VHDL for this driver. I find that the SPI mode has a write function. I think the ...
kile's user avatar
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Making pedometer with accelerometer

I want to make pedometer with ADXL345 and ARDUINO UNO board. I am using ADXL345 with Full resolution ...
Tryingtogetsome's user avatar
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How to detect orientation with accelerometer when vehicle has variable acceleration?

According to my research, in order to detect angular orientation, AHRSs use gyros and accelerometers. Using a gyro on its own does not work well because of integration drift, and only using an ...
Mert Celik's user avatar
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LSM9DS1 FIFO operation

The datasheet of the LSM9DS1 on pages 21-23 is very unclear on how actually the FIFO on the chip works. First of all, how many FIFOs does this chip have? From several places it looks like just one. In ...
Buran's user avatar
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LSM9DS1 inactivity mode

The datasheet of the LSM9DS1 says on page 41: ...
Buran's user avatar
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ADXL355 Axes Overflowing

I am using an ADXL355 accelerometer on an ADXL355Z evaluation board and an RPI Zero W communicating over SPI, with datasheet here. I previously had it producing stable g values (with other issues as ...
Daniel Godø-Dempsey's user avatar
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Measure acceleration for X mins

I have a situation where I have to check if a body is motion or not for x minutes. If it is in motion for x minuteds then the function should return true, else it should return false. I have an ...
EngGuy's user avatar
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Are digital accelerometer readings instantaneous snapshots?

Trying to understand the internal mechanics of digital accelerometers a bit better. I realize that the answer may vary depending on accelerometer type or manufacturer, but would like to get a general ...
qoou's user avatar
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Choosing component values for capacitive accelerometer readout-circuit

I am trying to design and simulate a capacitive accelerometer. The idea is to model the sensor as a capacitance bridge to which an AC signal is inserted. Each arm of the bridge acts as a voltage ...
GUI's user avatar
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3 answers

Can someone help me understand this code for the ADXL345 accelerometer?

I'm trying to learn how to read the angles measured from an ADXL345 accelerometer (Adafruit) for a beginner project where the sensor will be attached to a short stick and I want to read the angles I'm ...
user avatar
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How do I know what voltage logic board I'm using (Arduino Uno and accelerometer)?

I've recently purchased an accelerometer (Adafruit ADXL345:, and I'm working on connecting it up before ...
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Noob questions about my accelerometer (ADXL345) and Arduino components in general

I've just bought this accelerometer: I've bought it to learn about accelerometers ...
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