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Applying analog computer with passive circuit only

TLDR You can skip to question section. Intro I know the analog computer was actually invented long ago. I don't know how analog computer architecture was, but I guess it was using active components. ...
Muhammad Ikhwan Perwira's user avatar
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How to perform addition operation in analog computing? [closed]

In digital computing, addition operations are commonly performed using circuits composed of logic gates, such as the full-adder circuit, which combines multiple bits to generate a sum along with a ...
Muhammad Ikhwan Perwira's user avatar
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How many bits are needed to "fully capture" the addition of two binary integers?

(This is all related to my trying to understand my question here.) Let's consider the addition of two n-bit integers, \$x = x_{n-1}...x_0\$ and \$y\$. Let their sum be \$s\$. For the addition of ...
EE18's user avatar
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How many logic gates does it take to implement base-100 addition?

I'm curious about the trade-offs that have been made in implementing different kinds of arithmetic in different models of computers, to which I'm trying to understand what the costs of various options ...
rwallace's user avatar
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12-bit pipelined adder

I have been given the task of designing a 12-bit pipelined adder: There are 4-bit adders connected by latches. Why are latches used between the 4-bit adders? Is it for synchronization?
Ashlesha Sunil Agate's user avatar
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Carry Look Ahead adder propagation delay calculation

I'm studying Digital Design and Computer Architecture book, I'm stuck in the section of the carry-lookahead adder because there's something that I don't fully ...
abumandour's user avatar