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4 votes
1 answer

What parts/sections of a CPU take the biggest number of transistors?

I was surprised to hear CPUs only have a number of ALUs. What are most of the transistors in a CPU dedicated to?
master_of_privates's user avatar
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Half adder with soft latching input buttons

I'm trying to build a half adder with soft-latching buttons as input, using only transistors. I looked up online for some ideas and managed to build a soft-latching input circuit and a half adder ...
Rafał's user avatar
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Is it important to add a transistor for the output of a 4 bit adder [closed]

Is it necessary to add an transistor to the output of my four bit adder. I want to add an led to show the 5 bit output. Should I add a transistor or or just directly connect the led’s anode to the ...
ADIGEN's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Building a full adder with NPN BJT transistors

So I'm trying to wire up a full adder just with NPN BJT transistors (I know there is a 74XX283 4-bit binary full adder, but I want to do it just with transistors if possible for my own learning). The ...
Rizier123's user avatar
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Carry-lookahead adder in VLSI, Static VS Dynamic?

I study one course about VLSI. in adder lecture my profesor talk about Adders. in Carry-lookahead adder first talk about static version, as follows: at next we start about dynamic version of CLA and ...
Johnatan Morian's user avatar