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How can I DC analyze these values in netlist simulation

For my lab report I have to DC analyze a circuit for these specific VDD values. Is there any way to get simulation output for just these values? Because when I write .DC VDD 0.2V 10V 0.2V or .DC VDD 0....
umutcankalayci's user avatar
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Problems with DC analysis of a PMOS circuit

I'm beginning with electronics and I've picked up the book from Donald. A. Neamen - Microelectronics. I'm stuck at a simple example of DC analysis for this PMOS circuit. simulate this circuit – ...
0xd4v3's user avatar
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Help with DC circuit theory problem

I need help with this DC circuit problem: When the switch is open, voltage between points A and B is 2V. When the switch is closed, through variable resistor \$R_{p}\$ flows maximum current, and \$R_{...
user300045's user avatar