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Why the opposite of the passive sign convention is not the active sign convention?

Studying the fundamentals of circuit theory, I was reading the Wikipedia article on the Passive Sign Convention and found out about the Active Sign Convention (ASC). After searching many introductory ...
Vinicius ACP's user avatar
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Nodal analysis - Super node needed?

If using the nodal analysis for a certain circuit one usually chooses a node as reference node such that one can reach as many other nodes as possible. Unfortunately 99% of the literature I found on ...
Felix Crazzolara's user avatar
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Power supply selection circuit review

I just wanted to ask if this power switching circuit is well done. I used an opamp and a MOSFET to select between two different power supplies connected at once. This circuit would select the highest ...
Amin Mansouri's user avatar
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Pulse-excited integrator reaching infinite potential?

I was given the following Op-Amp circuit to analyse and to find the potential V_out as a function of time, with V_in defined as the Heaviside step function: $$V_{\text{in}}=\begin{cases}0\mathrm{V} &...
Thomas Russell's user avatar