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2 answers

Can ATmega328P microcontroller work at 3.3 V with 8 MHz oscillator

I want to use ATmega328P for my project, but I saw in datasheet that to use 16 MHz oscillators. Is it possible to use 8 MHz oscillators? Could you please direct my attention to other things that I ...
Византија Исток's user avatar
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Using H-Bridge as a way to drive a latching solenoid that requires reverse polarity pulses

simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab I have been working on an Arduino project which requires me to control a latching solenoid through pins on the Arduino uno. The ...
90seb57's user avatar
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Differences in UV Sensor Readings Between Arduino Uno and ATTiny85 Using AnalogReference

I've been working on a project involving UV sensor readings using both an Arduino Uno and an ATTiny85. However, I've encountered discrepancies in the UV index values obtained from the two different ...
Naografix's user avatar
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PHD ULTRA syringe pump communicate with Arduino

I have a PHD ULTRA syringe pump from Harvard Apparatus. I want to establish communication between an Arduino and the syringe pump. The company provided me with a Python code, but Arduino does not ...
Cricket Love's user avatar
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12 V relay buzzing/fast clicking sound when getting signal from Arduino UNO

I'm new to electronics but I decided I want to try and build a simple circuit to control with my Adruino UNO R3. I want to make a relay switch on and off programmatically with my UNO. Here is my ...
Think_Twice's user avatar
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I2C communication between load cell and Arduino

I am using Load Cell (FX29 Data Sheet) and Arduino for measuring force. Every time I disconnect and reconnect Arduino from USB I get one of the following readings on serial monitor: Correct expected ...
Siddhesh's user avatar
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UART between TMC2208 and Ardurino : unable to use read from TMC

LT, DR: I can program the TMC via UART but can't read anything back, and I don't like it :'( Description I want to make my ardurino UNO communique with a TMC2208-V3.0 (manual). The use case is to ...
Martin Morterol's user avatar
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Heart Rate Monitor, replacing pulse sensor with ECG?

I'm completely new in this area, but I would like to try this project: The only mismatch is that I have an ...
Claire Buckley's user avatar
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2 answers

Using PWM with 9 volts

I am trying to power a DC motor for a minifan, and want to be able to control the speed of the motor through PWM. In order for the motor to generate good wind, it needs 9 volts. Since I am using an ...
Firebender1234's user avatar
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How to Power 2 MG996R Tower Pro Servo

I tried powering a MG996R Tower Pro (180 deg metal gear) servo from an Arduino UNO and ended up hibernating the host PC. I want to power two such motors (in parallel configuration) for 10 minutes a ...
Aditya Jain's user avatar
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Why is my 4digit 7segment display not showing all segments

My 4digit 7segment display is not showing all of the segments, the image is of it showing 8888. I have never used this display before and it has been lying around for a year or two does anyone know ...
Ghostboo124's user avatar
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Powering Arduino with external regulated 5V

I'm planning to create a custom Arduino Uno shield for a test jig I'm making. The shield will have an external regulated 5V source, and I'm looking to use that to power the Arduino. I've read a few ...
bdmcnamara's user avatar
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Programmer is not responding error

I currently am running into problems with my new Arduino board. The complete details are here with log info and other troubleshooting steps
Jason Crosby's user avatar
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4 answers

An aspiring electriconic engineering hobbyist -- How should I go about this? [closed]

I'm a full-time maintenance technician with no University education (though I did get college credit in highschool for physics and statistics 9 years ago), and I have plenty of interests I want to ...
Joshuah Elmore's user avatar
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How to measure frequency of aperiodic signal in simulink when you are getting that signal through arduino?

Actually i want to measure frequency of a signal that i am getting thorugh arduino . I am getting almost correct voltage value near 220V that is value of our national grid and frequency in our ...
DSP_CS's user avatar
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OV7670 camera module (no FIFO chip) configuration with arduino Uno R4 WIFI

a couple of days ago I bought this camera module to use for my project which also does not require a lot of resolution, since I haven't used this camera module before I did google and chat GPT. but ...
MarCoPolo's user avatar
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3 answers

What resistors for a 4 LED Arduino/breadboard project?

I am currently working on a school project for my work-study. The project is super simple: light up 4 LEDs, in various patterns, using a push button to cycle through the modes. I'm using 4 colored ...
Dio B.'s user avatar
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1 answer

Why won't my voltage feedback system work?

Vin is a constant DC source. This circuit will take a random DC input between 12.6V and 48V, and then maintain a constant output voltage of 5V using a system of voltage feedback. with the source code,...
İbrahim İpek's user avatar
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Why doesn't my buck converter work properly?

Such is my circuit: Vin is a constant DC source. This circuit will take a random DC input between 12.6V and 48V, and then maintain a constant output voltage of 5V. At the left bottom corner, there is ...
İbrahim İpek's user avatar
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How do I connect two RFID readers at the same time to my Arduino?

I’m making a simple door lock for my room using an Arduino uno and an RFID sensor, I made the code to unlock the door with the correct tag, but it’s only on one side, I need a way to unlock the door ...
Computer Noob's user avatar
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Stepper motor for wire winding step calculations

Stepper motor takes 200 steps/revolution without anything attached to the shaft. With a bobbin of 10mm in diameter and 50mm in length attached to stepper motor shaft, does it take the same 200 steps/...
Maria Stanford's user avatar
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How can I read audio output signal (jack) with Arduino?

I am trying to find a way to connect an Arduino board to an USB sound card, equipped with 2 outputs: RCA and headphone jack 6.3mm. I would like to simoultaneously play a sound from one and record the ...
vtot's user avatar
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2 answers

Why my 12V RGB LED strip controlled by Arduino Uno has reversed colors and when I set RGB to 0,0,0 (after reverse) strip should be black but its red?

This is scheme: Transistors: BD912, PNP, 15A, 100V, 90W, TO220. And this is color of "black": and this is code: ...
Adamoss's user avatar
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How can I calculate the current induced in the copper coil that is wrapped around a single phase of an 11kV, 2616A distribution line?

Aim: To develop an alert system for power outages in the distribution line, informing electricians of their occurrence. Working Principal: Fuse Monitoring: The Arduino measures the status of the power ...
Ronny Alfons's user avatar
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MOSFET trouble with Arduino

I am new to electronics. I have a MOSFET that I'm gonna use to activate a solenoid, but for now I wanted to test it with a resistor. This is my design. simulate this circuit – Schematic created ...
Epix's user avatar
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9 answers

Can I drive a 5 V relay that requires 22 mA with an Arduino’s 20 mA continuous output?

I need to control a solenoid that requires 120 VAC to actuate. I’m powering an Arduino with a 5V power supply (directly into the 5V pin), and I want to use the Arduino to control a relay that will ...
Jake Nixon's user avatar
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LCD Display with FPC to Arduino

I’m very new. My game is push button, but it’s important that the display is transparent. I have this LCD screen. (data sheet) I was going to connect it to my uno using this PCB. But it didn’t fit ...
Supernew's user avatar
3 votes
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Need help to understand an Arduino Capacitance-Meter program

There is a program for Arduino that without using any external component, measures value of an unknown capacitor in the range of 470pF to 18pF:
Meysam's user avatar
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How to connecting two ADXL345 (GY-291 modules) to one Arduino UNO R3 by using pin jumper?

I am having some trouble in connecting two independent ADXL345 (GY-291 modules) to my one Arduino UNO R3. Before this I tried using one ADXL345 and it works perfectly, but in my project I need to use ...
Airidz's user avatar
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Connecting Raspberry Pi UART to Arduino Uno

AFAIK the RPi uses 3.3 V logic and the Uno uses 5 V logic. So I need a level shifter to convert the logic levels. I have purchased a bi-directional level shifter. I want to check if I have wired it ...
Ageis's user avatar
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74HC595 used with Arduino gives high value only on first pin

I am using a 74HC595 shift register IC connected to my Arduino board as described in this tutorial to drive 8 RGB LEDs. The code is given below and is similar to the one in the tutorial: ...
Pratyush Kumar's user avatar
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Powering Arduino from 12 V

I’m making an automatic dog feeder with an Arduino Uno as the brains and a stepper motor (taking 12 V, hence the need for the 12 V power supply) as the muscles. I want to power the whole unit from a ...
Carter's user avatar
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Does ESP32 Wroom-32 have internal EEPROM?

I'm working with ESP32 Wroom-32 and AHT25 temperature and humidity sensors. I need to store the temperature and humidity data using EEPROM. I don't think ESP32 has internal EEPROM. If not means how ...
Kuralmozhi's user avatar
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Inverting Arduino reset signal

I'm designing a general-purpose PCB for a 8051-family MCU. I make it compatible to use shields for the Arduino Uno. There is a snag with the reset circuitry, as an Arduino is active-low reset and the ...
Joe's user avatar
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How to connect a 4x4 matrix keypad to one analog pin?

I watched this video on YouTube, the video's creator shows how we can connect a keypad to just one single analog pin of Arduino UNO instead of using (number of columns + number of rows) pins by using ...
M-125's user avatar
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4 answers

How to give small voltage signal to Arduino?

I have a device which audibly says a specific line, let's say it says "received payment of $5," and the device has a speaker connected. Now I want when it says this line, my Arduino should ...
Shashank Kumar's user avatar
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Understanding how the input pins on my Arduino Uno read voltage

I recently bought an Arduino starter kit which comes with an Arduino Uno and some components. I know very little about electronics or physics. The Arduino has some analog-to-digital pins on it which ...
Jack M's user avatar
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RS485 not working

I want to send data between different Arduinos distributed in different places: Something like this:
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My lower side MOSFET in my half bridge SPWM inverter keeps getting shorted

I am designing a single phase SPWM inverter as a project. I am using IRF740 as MOSFETs (all N channels.) My low side MOSFET keeps getting shorted. I have checked through DSO - there is no cross ...
Ahmad Waheed's user avatar
8 votes
5 answers

MOSFET overheating in Arduino heating pad project

I am very new to electronics and working with Arduinos, I am learning a lot and would appreciate any help. I am making a heating pad system for a high-altitude weather balloon science experiment. The ...
DRAGONiaj Pax's user avatar
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Not being able to write&read data from the 24C04N EEPROM using I2C

I have connected the 24C04N EEPROM to the ATmega328p like this - Image source - Google The only difference is I connected the ATmega328p on a breadboard using FTDI like this - Image source - This is ...
in.yssh's user avatar
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Can I capture keypad values with an analog pin?

I am building a calculator with an Arduino Uno. The thing is I ran out of pins. The switch membrane has 4 rows and 4 columns resulting in 8 pins it doesn't fit. That is why I plan to do a shift ...
Akko's user avatar
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How does an Arduino actually read a high signal on a pin?

I have made circuit where you can see that it is reading some signal from a button. I've found in Arduino tutorials that there should be a pull-down resistor, which I don't really understand well. I'...
Andrey Radkevich's user avatar
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GP2Y0A21YK0F Sharp IR sensor not counting below a certain distance threshold

I'm building a self-navigating robot that uses IR sensor (GP2Y0A21YK0F model) with Arduino to navigate through a terrain, however during testing phase when I put my hand closer than 7cm it bugs and ...
melonade's user avatar
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I need help uploading scripts to an ESP01 through an Arduino UNO

I am a beginner with Arduino. I am trying to upload any basic script from my PC to an ESP01 through an Arduino UNO and Arduino IDE. The code I am trying to upload is very basic: ...
Barth's user avatar
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9 answers

How can I connect multiple potentiometers (~20) to my Arduino without having to have 20 analogue pins?

I'm trying to build a MIDI controller and I'm looking for a clever way of using 20 potentiometers without having to have 20 analogue ports on the Arduino. So far all the functionality I need is for ...
Michelangelo Prisciano's user avatar
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Coding Help: Blender to Arduino over Serial Port

Working on a connecting an Arduino Uno to Blender 3.4 over the serial port. In the Blender file, I have an object named "motor1", a simple cube that can be manually rotated in the 3d ...
JakeNEPA's user avatar
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Why is my arduino digital signal flickering on my oscilloscope display?

I have a very simple arduino program: ...
Trev347's user avatar
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Using a voltage divider to measure output of generator, and use an Arduino to measure wind speed

I am currently part of a group project in which we are required to build a turbine and generator that will turn on a light at a wind speed of 10 m/s. How will I use the fluctuating voltage out of the ...
Poorprogrammer's user avatar
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How to properly measure a 200 A/5 A CT using an Arduino?

I've seen multiple projects for energy monitoring explaining how to calculate values using a Current Transformer (CT), however, all the CTs that were mentioned have high turn ratios. The CT available ...
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