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Questions tagged [atmel-studio]

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-1 votes
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Need help for the definition of timer function

I've found below code that belongs to the timer declaration function but the definition is hidden by the author. Can anyone help me to provide a definition for the same? I want this to be utilized in ...
Ramandeep Singh's user avatar
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MAX31888 on ATtiny

I'm using an ATtiny13A, which I'm trying to read a MAX31888 temperature sensor with. I've been given one of said sensors on a breakout board wired according to this diagram: I'm using this library to ...
Boyfinn's user avatar
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2 answers

Driving a 12 V DC pump using Atmega16 Microcontroller and a 2N2222a transistor but it is not working?

I am implementing a system using an ATmega 16, a 12V/ 0.4mA/4.8W DC water pump, a 2N2222a transistor, a 1N4001 diode, a resistor and, a 12V Power Supply. However, whenever I test the circuit with the ...
Saeed Bowman's user avatar
0 votes
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How do I get started with ATWINC-IC from Microchip?

I want to get started with ATWINC-IC from Microchip. It's a WiFi IC that I'm going to implement onto a PCB. I have installed Microchip Studio and now I'm looking for how to start a project with that ...
euraad's user avatar
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How do I read multiple ADC channels from a SAMD21 configured in atmel.start?

I'm stuck with trying to read multiple ADC channels on a SAMD21 that I have configured using ATMEL.start. I am very new to Microchip Studio (Arduino convert trying to upgrade). The below code is my ...
IlluminatedDan's user avatar
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Atmel Studio: Compiler error when adding external SRAM

I have board wired up to use ATMega1281's Eternal Memory Interface with a BSI, BS62LV4006STIP55, 512Kx8 SDRAM connected. I am trying to do something similar to this (ATMega128), except my memory is ...
Reidar Gjerstad's user avatar
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Why is my code working in proteus but not when burned into chip?

I am using atmel chip and I have a problem with the code, I guess. Trying to make automatic light system. I am working with two IR sensors that should detect a person entering and leaving the room. I ...
cerouno's user avatar
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1 answer

ATSAMD21 doesn't seem to start, device not found/detected

I just finished assembling my PCB with an ATSAMD21G18A and was super thrilled to flash it with my program. Sadly Atmel Studio tells me that it can't find the device. I tried to debug the whole thing, ...
Felix Kunz's user avatar
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Program for LED blink

I am newbie in programming the microcontroller. I would like to test the micro by blinking the LED in a pin. The micro is SAMR35J18B and I am using ATMEL ICE programmer and ATMEL studio software for ...
Manjesh Gowda's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Convert the type of calculation result in if() to uint8_t

I am writing in C using the Atmel Studio (AVR-C.) I have an if statement: if( (rxProcessing < (rxWritePos-1) ) ) Where ...
Christianidis Vasilis's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Atmel SPI "wait for transmission complete" example is wrong?

I am configuring my first SPI transmission on my atmega328p. Everything seems right (My SPI interrupt ISR(SPI_STC_vect) fires when transmission is done, and I can see all SPI pins on the oscilloscope ...
Christianidis Vasilis's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Confirmation on how to check microcontroller memory capacity with Atmel Studio

When compiling code in Atmel Studio, I get the following output showing the percentage of usage for the program and data memory: Does this output represent the total data usage in the microcontroller?...
plu's user avatar
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Using Data Visualizer with Atmel-ICE with SPI physical interface

I am trying to output some debug strings from an ATmega328P to a terminal window on Atmel Studio using the DGI. I would like to use the 6-pin 100-mil connector of my Atmel-ICE Basic Kit, which I ...
stenio's user avatar
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ATSAME70Q21 at 1.8V -- cannot program flash memory

A recent revision of a board based on the ATSAME70Q21 (a Cortex-M7) is exhibiting problems. The previous revision of the board had been working for quite a while. [EDIT] The exact part number as it ...
Cal-linux's user avatar
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How to share a variable between ISR and main-code?

I'm working on some embedded software and I ran into a problem and I cannot figure out why this block isn't working. I set up interrupts to for several buttons, including a mechanical encoder. I used ...
AMacDonald's user avatar
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Bit banging synchronous serial protocol on SAME70

I am trying to implement synchronous Serial protocol with SAME70 using board SAME70-XPLD. For that I need to generate clock of 2MHz. For that I am using TC module running at MCK/8 = 18.75MHz (MCK set ...
Sidk's user avatar
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ATSAM / ASF4 - how to use HRI driver

While trying to change the analog reference voltage in ATMEL Studio for ATSAMC21 I found no way to configure this in ATMEL start and in the higher level drivers. So I searched around the ASF a bit ...
KarlKarlsom's user avatar
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Error 4109 No device detected in Atmel Studio

I'm working on a project involving an ATSAMC21. I soldered it onto the board and tested all pins to ensure that; a) they weren't shorted to the adjacent pins, b) they were connected to the nodes that ...
AMacDonald's user avatar
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Porting from iccavr project to Atmel studio problems with Atmega2561 8 bit MCU

I'm currently in the process of having to port a large project from ICCAVR known as the imagecraft IDE to Atmel Studio 7.0 and have had great difficulty trying to get the Atmel build of the project ...
Sahil Bora's user avatar
3 votes
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ATSAMC21 - CAN configuration - Nominal bit timing vs. data bit timing & time quanta calculation

I'm trying to configure the CAN bit rate of an ATSAMC21 to 125ksps in a CAN2.0B configuration. However, after reading through the datasheet, the ASF documentation and the ATMEL start help I'm confused....
KarlKarlsom's user avatar
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Pin TX0 -> 1 and RX0 <- 0 on ATMega2560 for USB serial communication

I am currently working on a project where I have to make my pc communicate with my ATMega2560 through the USB serial port. The ATMega2560 is the receiver. I have been told that the pins ...
user164324's user avatar
1 vote
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ATMEL STUDIO: avrdude.exe: ser_open(): can't open device

I just followed all the instructions to set up Atmel Studio on a new computer for the ATmega2560. Bare in mind that I have already had Atmel Studio installed on another computer where it worked fine, ...
user164324's user avatar
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Atmel Studio Does not fire accurate timer interrupt

i have atxmega256A3u with external 16Mhz crystal, i set the system clock to use that oscillator source as ...
Majd Kassem's user avatar
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ASF SAMD21G18 2x timers usage

im trying to use ASF to schedule repeated tasks. using TC4 and TC5: in atmel start both using generic clock generator 0 (48MHz). both are HAL:DRIVER:Timer driver init.c is generated automatically ...
Hasan alattar's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Atmega168 USART RX Interrupt does not trigger [closed]

I have been trying to get the USART RX interrupt trigger working on my ATmega168A using the tutorial here (updating my registers as per the datasheet): Tutorials I have setup the system to use a ...
NoLiver92's user avatar
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difference between CMSIS and ASF

im trying to make c++ project using atmel asf. the compiler have: ...
Hasan alattar's user avatar
4 votes
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Using Atmel Studio 7 to program Arduino Uno

I will like to use AS7 IDE to program the Arduino board, for start Im using Arduino UNO with ATMEGA328P-PU chip. Im using Windows 10 professional First I used the Arduino IDE in order to run/...
cyber101's user avatar
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ATmega stopped working after changing CKDIV8 fuse

I have ATmega32U4. I connected it via SPI programmer and in Atmel Studio I have read their signature properly. It was working. Then I cleared and programmed CKDIV8 fuse. Clock was set to internal RC. ...
Misaz's user avatar
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ATMega168 UART weird characters

I'm learning AVR programming using this book I was able to run and get output using the code provided along with the book. I use Proteus to simulate the output, since I don't have controller in hand. ...
Athul's user avatar
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Atmega 8 on Arduino Uno

For a uni project I am tasked with programming embedded C onto an ATMEGA 8 uC, and there aren't enough development boards for everyone to use at uni, so I have an ingenious solution. I have several ...
Simon Yu's user avatar
2 votes
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Data memory usage reported by AtmelStudio for ATtiny85

I am using AtmelStudio to program an ATtiny85, which has 512 bytes of SRAM data memory. My code includes a large lookup-table (array) which is 512 bytes: ...
Blair Fonville's user avatar
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Visual Studio Code for ARM

I use Atmel ARM chips and I'm used to use Atmel Studio 7 for developing. I want to try a more elegant editor for developing and I like the Visual Studio Code (VSCode). It's very nice editor. But I don'...
MrBit's user avatar
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"light_ws2812" library 10x slower than required (AVR C, ATMega328p int. 8Mhz)

So I'm trying to run some SK6812 (WS2812 clones) on a standalone ATMega328p. The output signal is too slow! I define F_CPU as 8000000 (8Mhz), both in the code and in the Atmel Studio Symbols, but my ...
Orotavia's user avatar
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Strange behavior of data

I declare global variables to read the sensor MPU9250. ...
Marat Gareev's user avatar
1 vote
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How to enable abbreviated port names in Atmel Studio?

Good day! I have been working with Atmel Studio lately and am a bit confused about notation. Thus far, when I reference a pin, I usually just use the PORTxn notation (example: PORD0). However, I ...
Andrew Schroeder's user avatar
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Attiny fuses, lock bits for ELF file

I am trying to embed code in my Attiny4 project that will set fuses and lock bits(In AtmelStudio 7). I copy/pasted the code that Atmel suggests here: ...
danielheinrich's user avatar
1 vote
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Barebone ATSAMD11D14 not responding

I wire up this schematic on my breadboard. I've verified that the 3V3 LDO is working. Atmel Studio on my Windows machine can see the Atmel ICE. The simple blink compiles fine too. However, I cannot ...
Hari Wiguna's user avatar
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What is Positive and Negative Mux input in ADC

I am trying to understand the use of Positive and Negative Mux input in ADC, I have recenlty bought Atsamd21-Xplained board from Atmel and trying to get multiple pins ADC using ASF4 and with Atmel ...
Mudassir Hussain's user avatar
13 votes
5 answers

PIC32 vs dsPIC vs ARM vs AVR, does the architecture matter when we are programming in C-language anyways? [closed]

We are currently using 32-bit PIC32 Microcontroller. It is working fine for our needs, but we are also exploring other microcontollers that can suite us better + we have other projects for which we ...
TheTechGuy's user avatar
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Problems with LCD when using it with ATmega328P

I'm trying to use a 16x2 LCD screen to be programmed by the ATmega328P microcontroller using Atmel Studio v7. I am using a library for this purpose that I found on the internet. I wrote this program ...
user170667's user avatar
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Can not flash ATmega328p with USBasp

My USBasp was working fine. I could burn a program to the ATmega328p. But last night I wanted to change the clockspeed using clock_prescale_set(clock_div_t x). ...
Zarzisur's user avatar
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Atmel Studio 7 Custom Build Tool Output

I've recently switched over to Atmel Studio 7 (AS7) for one of my AVR projects and after a bit of fiddling around have worked out how to get the "Custom Programming Tool" to correctly upload compiled ...
Tom Carpenter's user avatar
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Does the Sparkfun SAMD21 Mini/Dev Breakout work with the ATMEL Studio

I'm new to the SAM product line from ATMEL. I purchased the original ATMEL Xplained board, which works nicely with the ATMEL studio for programming & debugging. I know that the Xplained board ...
Chris's user avatar
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How to correct Warning : array subscript has type 'char' [-Wchar-subscripts] [closed]

Hi I write a function to reset a Character Array in Atmel studio as below: ...
Ali's user avatar
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Which crystal do i choose in atmel studio?

I'm trying to use this 16mhz crystal with an atmega328 chip and I need to set the fuses for it in atmel studio. But I have no idea which option is the correct choice. None of them say 16mhz. I've has ...
bwoogie's user avatar
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How to reduce code size in flash of atmega8? [closed]

I write code for Atmega8 in Atmel studio and the size of code is overflow the flash size of microcontroller. Could anyone help ...
Ali's user avatar
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How to know the size of my code in Atmel Studio

I'm new with Atmel Studio and I'm playing with ATtiny13. This mcu has 1K Bytes of Flash, 64 Bytes of EEPROM and 64 Bytes of SRAM. I would like to know how much memory (flash, eeprom and sram) my code ...
Salva's user avatar
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Find Atmel Studio 6 installer?

I know nothing about Atmel Studio other than roughly what it is, and have never used it. One of the production techs just came to me saying that a shortcut he's clicked for years to program a Atmel ...
Olin Lathrop's user avatar
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How to read the ATMEL unique ID? [duplicate]

Hi anybody know how to get ATMEL unique ID from Atmega microcontroller? I read this question but the code in answer not work in Atmel Stadio. Edit: Because we produce about 1000 board per week I ...
Ali's user avatar
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Finding the source of a Hard Fault using extended HardFault_Handler

I have been hitting some hard-faults on the firmware I have created with FreeRTOS on a SAMD21 (ARM Cortex-M0) MCU. So I took a further action to find out the cause and eventually bumped into this ...
Mehrad's user avatar
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