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Need help for the definition of timer function

I've found below code that belongs to the timer declaration function but the definition is hidden by the author. Can anyone help me to provide a definition for the same? I want this to be utilized in ...
Ramandeep Singh's user avatar
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ATSAMD21 doesn't seem to start, device not found/detected

I just finished assembling my PCB with an ATSAMD21G18A and was super thrilled to flash it with my program. Sadly Atmel Studio tells me that it can't find the device. I tried to debug the whole thing, ...
Felix Kunz's user avatar
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Program for LED blink

I am newbie in programming the microcontroller. I would like to test the micro by blinking the LED in a pin. The micro is SAMR35J18B and I am using ATMEL ICE programmer and ATMEL studio software for ...
Manjesh Gowda's user avatar
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3 answers

Convert the type of calculation result in if() to uint8_t

I am writing in C using the Atmel Studio (AVR-C.) I have an if statement: if( (rxProcessing < (rxWritePos-1) ) ) Where ...
Christianidis Vasilis's user avatar
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Confirmation on how to check microcontroller memory capacity with Atmel Studio

When compiling code in Atmel Studio, I get the following output showing the percentage of usage for the program and data memory: Does this output represent the total data usage in the microcontroller?...
plu's user avatar
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ASF SAMD21G18 2x timers usage

im trying to use ASF to schedule repeated tasks. using TC4 and TC5: in atmel start both using generic clock generator 0 (48MHz). both are HAL:DRIVER:Timer driver init.c is generated automatically ...
Hasan alattar's user avatar
13 votes
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PIC32 vs dsPIC vs ARM vs AVR, does the architecture matter when we are programming in C-language anyways? [closed]

We are currently using 32-bit PIC32 Microcontroller. It is working fine for our needs, but we are also exploring other microcontollers that can suite us better + we have other projects for which we ...
TheTechGuy's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Finding the source of a Hard Fault using extended HardFault_Handler

I have been hitting some hard-faults on the firmware I have created with FreeRTOS on a SAMD21 (ARM Cortex-M0) MCU. So I took a further action to find out the cause and eventually bumped into this ...
Mehrad's user avatar
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Runs with debugger but not standalone, using ATSAMD10D13 and Atmel ICE

I made a custom board with 2 ATSAMD10D13AM parts. The are 8k flash/4k sram Cortex-M0 24QFN parts. When I power the board the IC's start but then freeze (I have LED's blinking that go solid). When I ...
Bill's user avatar
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Cannot use particular pins in SAMD21 as Digital Output

I have moved to Atmel from a run I had with MSP430 series and a tad bit confused at the moment as the pin setup seems quite different. While handling an SPI device I needed a general IO pin to ...
Mehrad's user avatar
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Is AT91 devices in atmel studio?

I want to make a new project with AT91SAM9260 in Atmel Studio 7 but it doesn't support the device. My question is: Did Atmel make a C library with this device to Atmel Studio 7? If no, what version ...
Sewek's user avatar
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AVRISP mkII can't connect with target when using an AVR on a breadboard

I'm having a problem with my AVRISP mkII. I'm trying to program a ATMEGA328P on a breadboard using AtmelStudio 7. The problem is I can not make AVRISP detect the target. Whenever I try to program the ...
rnt_42's user avatar
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FIFO ASF drivers and USART avr problem sending and recieve data via rs232 connection

I'm working to send frame of 8 bytes to Micro-controller Xmega128a1 (via RS485). The frame looks like this: {header1,header2,CMD,D1,D2,D3,D4,CRC} For example: <...
shams alsham's user avatar
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Differences in using c user-defined functions on PC and on ARM

I am new to programming in c and to ARM also, so forgive me silly question. I would like to find answer on the net rather than to bother you, but there is not many materials in the web. I am using ...
Seedorfan's user avatar
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Atmel Studio 7.0 update loop

Atmel Studio started asking me this morning to repair itself: After 15 minutes, the repair is done: Running the application, it shows again the first image: I've done this loop three times, so far. ...
xaverbandi's user avatar
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Memory Leak in queue linked list, avr c

I am building a small command interpreter to be run on a microcontroller. To queue each command and its accompanying arguments, I am using a queue implemented as a singly linked list. All of the queue ...
Luke Gary's user avatar
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Atmega32 LCD program not working

i have recently been into atmega world after i heard it is much better than pic and it is my second tutorial about writing to LCD i wrote this program in atmel studio but it doesnt work i double ...
ilouy's user avatar
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Atmega328p Circuit Blinking Circuit

So I am trying to build a standalone circuit using the Atmega 328p. After uploading the code using Atmel Studio and AVRDude I get no response from the circuit; however, when I take the Atmega and put ...
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Different JTAG debug options for ATmega1281

Background: I've inherited my first ATMEL project. It's using an ATmega128A, coded in AVR Studio 4, with the Olimex AVR-JTAG-USB debugger. I've learned how to use these tools, although I'm still ...
bitsmack's user avatar
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ATtiny85 simulation in AtmelStudio 6.1 (build 2730, SP2)

I have written a piece of code which manipulates the DDR for port B: ...
damix911's user avatar
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