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Need for cleaning solder residue for 7mm spacing due to breakdown voltage

I've designed a board that I ordered from JLCPCB. I have traces with 7 mm lowest spacing between them and with voltage of at most 400V AC, 525V peak between them. The traces couldn't be wider due to ...
Ohmnivore's user avatar
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Equation to fit the reverse breakdown I-V curve

I have some I-V curves of solar cells that i want to fit them, for this purpose, I used a software called 2/3 Diode fit. This software performs fitting only for forward bias and only for positive ...
Mohamed Haj hamido's user avatar
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Are multiple SMD Chip Resistors in Series as Safe as a Wirewound Resistor for Mains Voltage?

I realize SMD Chip Resistors are not recommended for Mains Voltage and it's no wonder since their maximum voltage rating is lower than 100 V. I also understand that WireWound Resistors are recommended ...
Ohmnivore's user avatar
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Breakdown voltage of a back-to-back MOSFET configuration (aka "Bidirectional Power Switch")

In a back-to-back MOSFET configuration, if the single MOSFET is maximum-rated at BVDSS=100 V (like the IRF530 in the example), does that mean that the series of both has a breakdown voltage of 200 V ...
oliver's user avatar
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HEMT device not entering breakdown region on Silvaco TCAD during IdVd analysis.What must I do to cause my device to breakdown?

I've been trying to create a HEMT device over the past couple of weeks in Silvaco TCAD. My device works just fine in low voltage operation- that is, IdVg and IdVd curves are as expected. I'm getting a ...
Soumak Nandi's user avatar
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Common Source GaN HEMT breakdown

I had recently designed an array of GaN HEMTs to be used as a solid state relay. At low voltages (Vin = 24V) everything was working fine. However, when I bumped up Vin to 70V, after a couple cycles ...
Rahul's user avatar
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High-voltage power MOSFET self-protection at low Id currents

Let's say the IXTA02N250HV MOSFET regulates high voltage in a common-gate topology. The resistive load in the source is very light and allows an output current of just tens of μA. The MOSFET's ...
Hyp's user avatar
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Power Rating of a HV resistor

I am conducting a project to measure Breakdown Voltage and would like to use a protection resistor, please see below. When breakdown happens I will have something like In this case the Power ...
BDV0806's user avatar
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Clarification on relay withstand voltage

I understand withstand voltage test is to check the insulation of a product, for example between a live metal part (AC input terminal block) and a dead metal part. I saw this specification in one of ...
Shadow's user avatar
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What's going on with this SOA graph?

Above is a screenshot of the SOA graph from the GAN041-WSB350 datasheet. When I saw this, I immediately got very curious, because I'm used to seeing SOA graphs where all the lines on the top right are ...
Hearth's user avatar
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