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1 answer

Why are GPIO Expander Registers Being Rewritten?

I'm using an LPC1768 microcontroller (mbed) and 4 GPIO expanders (MCP23017). I am trying to write to the expanders to enable the pull up resistors and some other functions, but am getting strange ...
Nate.Olson's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Input capture and timers

Microcontroller: STM32F401RE Doing input capture on TIM1's channel 1,2,3,4. ARR register value is 65536. The clock is 8Mhz. The 4 input capture channels are connected to 4 microphones. As soon as a ...
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4 votes
2 answers

Embedded C++ and multiple copies of same structure

In embedded programming it is my understanding that we do not use dynamic memory allocation since we are working with a fixed-resources system and the code needs to be compiled for worst case memory ...
Steve4879's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Error: Definition of nested anonymous union in packed "" must be __packed

I'm using the ARM DS-5 with the ARM 5 Compiler Toolchain. I'm attempting to use the "mavlink_types.h" (link: However, I've got an error said that: ...
LowK's user avatar
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2 answers

Embedded C++ save and restore data

I am working on an embedded C++ project. I am dealing with complex and dynamic objects with lots of objects pointing to one another. I need to store and recall these objects to non-volatile memory. In ...
Tim Ressel's user avatar
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2 answers

How to load an executable program on an STM32F401 without using an online compiler?

I am a newbie to embedded system. I decided to buy an STM32 board to get started. The problem now is that I would like to know if there is a simple way to write some C++ code in a simple text file ...
RIXS's user avatar
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4 answers

Handling two interrupts occurring at the same time for different producers

So I have a UART IRQ handler that is fired for each byte sent over UART, which then writes to a Fifo buffer and once the end of the data is detected, a callback is invoked which parses the data and ...
Jazzy's user avatar
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0 answers

Making sense of an architecture for a FreeRTOS based application

This is more of an architectural design question and any suggestions shall be appreciated. So far, a general idea is that there's a system thread that's like a central task that decides how to ...
Jazzy's user avatar
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0 answers

Object's members' values change as soon as interrupt is fired

I have a UART class that has instances of Fifo. What I notice is as soon as the UART IRQ handler is fired, the member variables of ...
Jazzy's user avatar
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0 answers

Interrupt handler starts behaving unexpectedly when scheduler runs

I have an IRQ handler that gets fired upon receiving a character over serial, and everything is fine until I run a FreeRTOS scheduler inside main, and now what I see is IRQ handler still getting ...
Jazzy's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Why use const variables instead of preprocessor directives when programming embedded with C++

I read on here that when programming with C++, const variables are better than preprocessor directives, ie #define, for declaring constants. I'm confused about why that is the case. I understand that ...
Dyskord's user avatar
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1 answer

Two stepper motors at different speeds using potentiometer and Arduino

I am trying to control two different motors using an Arduino and some drivers. The problem I have is that using millis() (I need to use a timer without ...
WeTheBrains's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I give several classes access to the single RTC on my MCU

I'm writing my first large-ish C++ embedded program on a STM32F413. I've become a reasonably firm believer in object oriented coding but am not particularly knowledgeable. The STM32F413 has one RTC ...
Gene's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Interrupts using member function

I am trying to use a member function in an interrupt. The function uses member variables so I created a global instance of that class to use it in a static function. The problem is that I created a ...
FF504's user avatar
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9 votes
6 answers

Concept of the static keyword from the perspective of embedded C

static volatile unsigned char PORTB @ 0x06; This is a line of code in a PIC microcontroller header file. The @ operator is ...
Electro Voyager's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

SAM Timer counter / atmel ASF

I'm trying to implement function call after having timeroverflow or comparison of counter registers. Chip: SAM4E ...
Hasan alattar's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Reading byte array in C++ [closed]

I have following code in C++ ...
Steve's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Combine C and C++ in STM32 application development [closed]

Generally, developing embedded systems applications is based on abstraction. We expose some functions from lower layers that can be used in the application layer. My question is: Can I develop the ...
Pryda's user avatar
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2 answers

Map file analysis

I have been writing a software for an embedded controller in C++. I have noticed that I have some problems with ram memory (I have probably run out of the available memory). I have decided to inspect ...
Steve's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Understanding LED chaser code for PIC18F4550

I want to make a LED chaser from right to left in PIC18F4550 microcontroller. Here is a section of the code from a program which I am unable to understand: ...
Rajat's user avatar
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4 answers

What features of C++ lead to extra resource usage that I should be aware of when developing for an embedded system?

Some features of C++ have implied run-time cost or can lead to significant code size increases. Which features should I consider avoiding when developing for a bare-metal resource constrained ...
M-R's user avatar
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2 answers

Embedded Systems Programming using Java [closed]

Is Java good-to-learn-next language for an embedded software engineer who mainly develops firmwares and drivers? If not so useful, why? Which language is more for that purpose, C++ or Java? I read on ...
Junior's user avatar
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2 answers

Compiling C++ on EFM32 microcontrollers

I would like to use some high-level libraries written in C++ for my EFM32 microcontroller. Unfortunately the Simplicity Studio IDE for the EFM32 does not seem to support C++. I am a bit confused ...
anotherCode245's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Using C++ in resource constrained environments [closed]

In the past I've been using C (or ASM) to develop microcontroller firmware. It's what I learned during my EE studies. It seems though, that the job market here has a high demand for C++ developers in ...
moktor's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

New C++ (C++11) and embedded electronics

I wonder if the new C++ (which called C++11) works well with the embedded electronics and programming them. Do the new features fit well if working with uC? Like R-Values and so on? Or should be ...
Siraj Muhammad's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How can I instruct my compiler to use 8 bit bytes instead of 16 bit integers?

I have the following code in my microcontroler program: ...
jippie's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

While loop optimized away

I have the following code in my microcontroler program: // Wait for ADC conversion to complete while ( ( ADCSRA && _BS( ADSC ) ) == _BS( ADSC ) ) {} ...
jippie's user avatar
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186 votes
16 answers

Is C++ suitable for embedded systems?

A common question, here and elsewhere. Is C++ suitable for embedded systems? Microcontrollers? RTOSes? Toasters? Embedded PCs? Is OOP useful on microcontrollers? Does C++ remove the programmer too ...