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2 votes
2 answers

Vintage capacitive switch

I have this switch from a Philips Electronic 212 turntable. It’s simply two metal pieces, one a ring and the other a button-like center. I’m not sure, but I think it is a capacitive sensor or button. ...
acanessa's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there a single cycle wave trigger circuit?

Is there a circuit design where if the input is high (at any length of time), the output will only be one cycle at a fix amount of time? I'm currently working on a capacitive touch switch (I'll use ...
Igcasan's user avatar
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Help with capacitive touch button output configuration

Can someone help me with the basic working of this capacitive touch switch? I know it isn't very complicated but I just can't get over my brain block of what actually triggers when the button is ...
InBedded16's user avatar
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2 answers

Bypass touch sensor IC with a button?

I want to replace a capacitive touch sensor on a circuit board (I think it’s a TTP223) with a tactile switch to overcome over/under sensitivity issues. I have wired a switch to ground and the CMOS ...
johnnydanger's user avatar
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What material can I use to block a capacitive touch from registering?

I am a self proclaimed tinkering problem solver, but this one has me absolutely stumped! I have a capacitive touch switch panel with six touch areas that close or open a relay to supply power to ...
chevota525's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How do I trigger capacitive touch screen electronically (without hands)? [duplicate]

I would like to trigger a "touch" or "touches" to a smartphone screen electronically without actually touching the screen with my finger using a remote control somehow. The idea would be that every ...
Vbs 's user avatar
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powersupply ac to ac

I have recently bought a dcp917S and hoped I finally found a wireless chime that I can tie into my apartment buildings bell system. Since I live for rent there I can't do any changes that are not ...
Bizz Keryear's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Using capacitive touch switch as guitar pick-up selector

I want to use two Schurter 3-101-401 one for each pick up. I was able to get them wired up but the signal for the pick-ups comes out no matter what. Here is the info
Matt Waits's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Wall touch switch design

How can I make a capacitive wall touch switch? remembering that the wall standard light switch has just two wires for close the circuit. How can I supply my circuit when the light is on in order to ...
whady's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Capacitive touch switches drop voltage and limits current

Bought two different touch switches/devices to toggle outputs to other devices. I use this on USB power so input is 5V. With use of a powerpack it can handle 2A max. NOTICE: Ask my question here ...
Codebeat's user avatar
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