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Questions tagged [circuit-analysis]

Circuit (Network) analysis is the process of finding the voltages across, and the currents through, every component in the network. Consider using in conjunction with tags for the particular analysis technique(s) in question: "nodal-analysis", "mesh-analysis", "superposition", etc.

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1 answer

RC series analysis with H parameters model

I'm writing this just to be sure I understood well the process of analysing a circuit with the \$H\$ parameters model. In this case, it is a very simple example of application; the circuit I'm ...
deomanu01's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Is my solution to this differential receiver circuit calculation correct?

I solved the difference receiver circuit problem in the picture with the following formula but I am not sure of its correctness because I do not have an answer key. I would like to discuss whether it ...
softcalculate's user avatar
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Why does the author assume \$R_{in} = 1/ g_m \$ for this this circuit?

The following circuit is from Chapter 13 of Analog Design Essentials, page 1324, written by Willy Sansen. Calculate \$R_{in}\$ for this circuit. The author thinks \$R_{in} = 1 / g_m\$ However, $$ -...
kile's user avatar
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Device Power On Reset Requirements in SoC

I need to release the RESETn signal after all power supplies and clocks are stable, and de-assertion should be at least 100 ms (I'm using 47nF in CT to create delay of ~200ms). My idea is to connect ...
Knowledge's user avatar
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Why does the opamp output not swing to vdd or vss in the simulation?

Why does the output of the opamp not rail to VDD or VSS when the positive feedback factor (2/3) is larger than the negative feedback factor (1/2)? ...
hana's user avatar
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2 answers

How would I convert this to a perforated circuit board? [closed]

How would I go about converting this schematic to perforated circuit board? For example, how would I connect the battery to the op amp?
Kyle Taormina's user avatar
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Help needed with RC Phase Shift Oscillator Analysis

I simulated the following circuit from page 439 of “The Art of Electronics, fig.7.23”. It works fine and outputs \$\approx 1\ \rm{kHz}\$ as expected. My question is around the theory, I expected the 3 ...
OwenM's user avatar
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1 answer

How to implement a blinking led circuit that is dependent on its voltage input?

I am designing a circuit with two LEDs, where one LED will blink when the output voltage (Vout) is 5V and the other LED will blink when Vout is grounded. I am confident in the functionality of the ...
Ewheel's user avatar
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Needed Assistance - EMI Issues with 16x2 LCD Display (Model BCB-1602-03C)

Hello stack Exchange Community, I am Yogesh D from Trident Pneumatics Private Limited, R&D Innovation - Electronics. We are currently using a 16x2 LCD display (model BCB-1602-03C) in the ...
Jishnu Prakash Nambiar's user avatar
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Sub-ADC Circuit for Pipeline ADC

I am simulating the following Sub-ADC circuit which is intended to be used in a pipeline ADC. The following is my simulation result at nodes VIP, VIN and CMP+. I applied ramps at VIP and VIN in an ...
Kenlucius's user avatar
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3 answers

Trying to understand this wah pedal schematic

I want to build a Wah pedal following the tutorial linked. I am confused on why there are two voltage sources and why the one on the left does not connect back to the main circuit. The materials list ...
Kyle Taormina's user avatar
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3 answers

How to find current for Thevenin equivalent circuit

I'm trying to figure out how to calculate the Thevenin equivalent circuit for a voltage divider like the following one: I understand that V_th is obtained by opening the terminals of the output, so ...
deomanu01's user avatar
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A question regarding the distributed RC π model

In Rabaey's Digital Integrated Circuits: A Design Perspective, Figure 4.62 shows the distributed RC network to be modeled after the π model. What I'm unclear is for the π3 model, the capacitance is ...
SalvagedDoor's user avatar
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Matlab Ramp Source and Simulation Time

I am using Matlab and Simulink to simulate the behavioral function of an ADC. I applied a ramp input to this ADC using "Ramp" in Simulink and ran the simulation. This is what I noticed from ...
Kenlucius's user avatar
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3 answers

Transformer with same size symbol meaning

I Know these symbols mean a transformer step up or down: But what does this one represent since it has the same size on both sides? Part above taken from this schematic: And this also has me ...
StealthRT's user avatar
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5 answers

Can we find the equivalent resistance just by using series and parallel combinations?

Can we calculate the equivalent resistance between \$A\$ and \$B\$ by using just the concept of series and parallel combinations\$?\$ I can solve this by assuming that a battery of voltage \$V\$ is ...
MathStackexchangeIsMarvellous's user avatar
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Is there a DC voltage on a transmitter power amplifier's output?

When studying the answers to Are my power calculations on this MOSFET Power Amplifier accurate? , I noticed this contradiction: If you integrate V * A, you get ...
SRobertJames's user avatar
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Polyphase full-bridge rectifier formula

I am learning circuit analysis/design as an hobby, and I came across this circuit schematic while practicing. The phase differences between AC sources are 120 degrees. I am using the three phase full-...
degD's user avatar
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Why does this LED turn on?

Context: I have designed a custom data acquisition board around the MAX11046 ADC. While troubleshooting my previous problem I discovered some unexpected behaviour. Here is the schematic of the ADC ...
BlueOyster's user avatar
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Voltage over capacitor in parallel RC network with current limited DC voltage source

Consider the following RC network: DC voltage source \$V_{s}\$, in series with resistor \$R_1\$, in series with capacitor \$C\$, which has parallel to it another resitor \$R_2\$. For this network: \$...
ArrieKarrie's user avatar
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Why output voltage became an irregular sawtooth shape?

Why does the transient output voltage in PSpice simulation turn into an irregular sawtooth shape? Before today, it was a beautiful curve that could calculate the voltage gain, but suddenly it became ...
CalvinH's user avatar
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PSpice Error: Voltage source and/or inductor loop involving V_Vin

I'm trying to simulate the circuit in Pspice; the first few times it worked. However, I got an error when I tried to create a new page and copy all the circuits on it in order to do some circuit ...
CalvinH's user avatar
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Find the equivalent resistance between \$A\$ and \$B\$ [closed]

In the figure shown below, find the equivalent resistance. I know I should add my attempt but I don't know how to approach these type of problems. This isn't the standard series-parallel combination ...
MathStackexchangeIsMarvellous's user avatar
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ADC producing strange behaviour when pulling pin low

Problem: I have designed a custom data acquisition board centered around the MAX11046 ADC. The ADC is controlled entirely with an STM32 development board. I have implemented the MAX11046's parallel ...
BlueOyster's user avatar
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Switch Protection

I am using SPDT and multiplexer switches in my design and these switches are directly connected to Px connectors for various channels. Transducers (capacitive load below 500 Ω) are connected at Pin 2 ...
user135156's user avatar
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Analyzing Diode Quartet Switch

I am trying to understand how this diode quartet switch works. I am having trouble dealing with the two current sources. I can think about what happens to the voltages in the circuit, but how do I ...
Axodarap's user avatar
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Why is my Thevenin voltage result wrong in LTspice?

I want to simulate the Thevenin voltage of the circuit below, where Z2 is the load, in LTspice. Does anyone know what is wrong here? The result is incorrect; the correct Thevenin voltage should be ...
internet's user avatar
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How do you approach problems like these where we have to find the arrangement of resistors?

Is there any specific methodology to approach them or is it just intuition? Because I am finding them really hard.
Sayan Dutta's user avatar
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Feedback and Gand-Bandwidth Question

I am simulating the closed-loop frequency responses for two resistive feedback amplifier circuits. The opamps used in both circuits are ideal and identical. The two feedback circuits only differ by ...
Kenlucius's user avatar
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Calculating Real Power Dissipation in a Series RC Circuit

Given circuit: simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab Question: What is the real power dissipated in the resistor of the given circuit? My Solution: Note: I am calculating ...
Marco Moldenhauer's user avatar
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Is my understanding about the ECG waveform is correct or not

I need to design an amplifier for an ECG signal.The signal specification is given below. BW = 0.47Hz..40Hz (-3dB) – Limited by the system Signal amplitude max. 10mVPV (peak-to-valley), DC offset max ±...
Confused's user avatar
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Why does a class A amplifier stop amplifying at high frequencies?

Below is a simple Class A amplifier. Why does it stop amplifying at very high frequencies? Why does it distort so much? Here is the output by frequency: It rises, as predicted, but only to about 2 ...
SRobertJames's user avatar
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No output in LTspice

I have implemented a simple circuit in LTspice which is as follows: Now, when I want to view the output in the collector, it displays only one line. Now let's check it in DC mode: which is exactly ...
Sajadi's user avatar
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Not able to Program STM8S003F3

I am trying to program my STM8S003F3P6 in a custom board, the schematic below, using an ST-Link, but constantly get an error message while using STVP saying 'Cannot Communicate with the Device'. The ...
JSNerd01's user avatar
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Impedance of a passive RC

I am simulating the input impedance of the following passive RC circuit. Before the simulation, I calculated the impedance to be: Zin = 5k + 5k + 1/(2pi20K*26pF) = 316.067 kOhms. For the simulation, ...
Kenlucius's user avatar
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4 answers

How to analyze a current sink for an ideal power amplifier

In preparing a design for a MOSFET RF Power Amplifier, I analyzed this idealized circuit: My analysis is in some ways consistent with simulation but in some ways gets very different results. Is my ...
SRobertJames's user avatar
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How to analyze common-emitter amplifier by reflecting base impedance to emitter?

In chapter 2 of Dr. Middlebrook's video series Technical Therapy for Analog Circuit Designers he gives 2 examples of how solving a CE amplifier by "doing the algebra on the circuit diagram" ...
DavidG25's user avatar
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TLP292 Schematic Review

I am designing a circuit with TLP292. Below is the schematic. The I/P is coming from a microcontroller it is either 0 V or 5 V. The output current is 15mA to 20mA May I know is this circuit is fine? ...
Confused's user avatar
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Where am I going wrong in voltage equation of Capacitor in \$RC\$ circuit?

Where am I going wrong in voltage equation of Capacitor in \$RC\$ circuit? An initially charged capacitor with voltage \$V_0\$ is connected in series with a Switch and a Resistor. I was able to derive ...
LifeIsMath's user avatar
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Understanding the behavior of an emitter follower power supply

The Art of Electronics has the following exercise: Use a [single BJT transistor emitter] follower with the base driven from a voltage divider to provide a stiff source of +5V from an available ...
SRobertJames's user avatar
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How can we set the exact current through feedback resistor Rf1 to achieve 0V output at DC?

In this type of circuit, how can we set the exact current flowing through the feedback resistor Rf1 to set the output at 0V at <...
hana's user avatar
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Caculate the base/ emitter current of PNP transistor

Excuse me, I'm having trouble with my Semiconductor-Experiment Exercise. The transistor code (if necessary) is A1015. Here is the question: Instead of connecting load (Resistor & LED) to ...
CÔNG NGUYỄN DUY's user avatar
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Designing a D-FF in Virtuoso to create 90 degrees phase shift

I am currently trying to design a digital circuit in Cadence to produce a 90 degrees phase shift to a CLK signal within my current circuit. Below is an image of a D-FF setup as well as the output ...
soccernismo's user avatar
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Finding the natural frequency from the transfer function magnitude

Studying Steady Sinusoidal State circuits and I have a question regarding RLC circuit. Given that the transfer function for the voltage across the capacitor is given by - $$ H(j\omega) = \frac{1}{R+j\...
Sahar Cohen's user avatar
5 votes
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THD of two passive circuits

I am simulating the total harmonic distortion of two simple passive circuits. VIP_Test = Ideal Sine Wave. Goal is to find THD for Test1 and OP_VIN_Test. (THD is calculated with the thd function in ...
Kenlucius's user avatar
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RC coupling or LC coupling

I would like to generate a signal composed of an AC waveform and DC voltage separately, with the AC frequency range being 20 Hz to 20 kHz. I found there are two ways to achieve it: RC coupling and LC ...
Jack Huang's user avatar
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Integrated circuit amplifier with BJTs

In the circuit below, I'm trying to find the voltage gain. It was given that in small signal analysis, $$ \frac{v_{o}}{v_{i}} = \frac{\frac {-2R_{2}}{R_{3}} }{ 1 + \frac {R_{2}}{AR} } $$. $$ Figure....
Amit M's user avatar
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Differential input resistance of non-symmetric circuits

In Sedra and Smith (7th edition, section 2.4.1) when building up to an instrumentation amplifier there is discussion of how to use a single op-amp (differential input, single-ended output) to ...
Halleff's user avatar
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Will I1 current be same as the current through the controlled source here?

I was solving this question related to two port parameters. I am confused as to what will be \$I_1\$ when \$V_1=0\$ i.e. the input port is short circuit-ed, since the controlled current source, \$gv_x\...
Koustubh Jain's user avatar
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designing power supply using LNK306DG [closed]

I am designing a converter circuit using LNK306DG and I have done this earlier. Now I have to swap the phase and neutral pins of the circuit, and what should be the changes I have to make in this ...
Aakas Pulikkal's user avatar