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Questions tagged [closed-loop]

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5 answers

Understanding of Dominant Pole Compensation

According to Miller Effect, within amplifying devices such as transistors that have inverting voltage gain higher that one, there should be increased input capacitance with increased voltage gain of ...
lucenzo97's user avatar
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How does opamp open-loop gain affect closed-loop gain in a circuit?

The gain of an opamp circuit is basically $$A_v=-\frac{R_f}{R_i}$$ But how come the gain of the opamp itself does not appear in the equation? How is the opamp amplifying anything in the circuit? What ...
lateralus's user avatar
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2 answers

Cannot predict closed-loop gain of this amplifier

This is the circuit I am currently analyzing: (link to LTSpice file) I am trying to predict each stage closed loop gain and overall gain (with all loops closed). First thing I did is calculate DC ...
lucenzo97's user avatar
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Closed Loop Transfer Function - PD Control

For the following control system, I am trying to find the characteristics of the system. I have firstly found the closed loop transfer functions \$T(s) =\frac{C(s)}{R(s)}\$ , to be: \$G(s) =K_p(s+9)...
N.Jon's user avatar
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How can we confirm whether the op-amp has -ve feedback? [duplicate]

Many text books show an op-amp will have negative feedback when o/p is connected back to -ve input through some discretes and under such condition V+=V- is satisfied for op-amp input terminals. In the ...
Dynamic_equilibrium's user avatar