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3 answers

Can a computer control up to 10 motor drivers directly via the CANopen communication protocol? [closed]

I guess my question was not so clear, so I am editing now. I want to make CNC software. while doing this, I do not want to use any motion controller, PLC, FPGA, etc... I use three items. 1-USB to CAN ...
Muhammed Sevinçtekin's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

can use these printer motors to made CNC machine? [closed]

can i use this motor to make a cnc plottor ? is there any way to make a stepper motor using this motor?
ManulMad's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

G-code compatiblity with H-bridge L293d

I'm trying to make a 3 axis bipolar stepper driver and I think using L293Ds and Arduino is the best cheapest option. I have seen people using grbl to run their steppers easily but with grbl they ...
thebugger's user avatar
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3 votes
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L297 stepper motor driver inhibit issue

I've knocked together a L297/L298 stepper motor controller and have a problem with what seems to be half the output. On the final 4 output lines after the L298 and diodes, I have 2 bipolar LEDs to ...
OpticFroggy's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Continuously Measure 3-Phase Motor Current

What methods are there for continuously monitoring the current in a 3-phase servo motor for a CNC machine and giving an alarm when the current is less than some value?
Rama's user avatar
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