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Why extending the wire of stepper motor leads to vibration?

I'm almost newbie in hobby electronics and I'm trying to extend the wires of my Nema17 stepper motor. (Model: Stepperonline 17HS13-0404S1, 12V, 0.4A) But somehow extension leads to vibration. It's ...
she hates me's user avatar
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Stepper motor skipping steps until I lower voltage

I have four of KL23H2100-35-4B stepper motors on my 3-axis CNC (doubled up on the y-axis); these are 3.5A 4-wire bipolar stepper motors with a rated 2.8mH inductance. I am driving them with the ...
David W's user avatar
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Why stepper motor is slow with A4988 driver?

I'm using NEMA17 17HS13-0404S1 stepper motors with Arduino CNC Shield & A4988 drivers but I think they're much slower than they should be. Hard to explain how slow they are but compared to Ender 3 ...
she hates me's user avatar
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Building a water jet cutter using Arduino, CNC shield and GRBL firmware

I am building a water jet cutter using Arduino Uno and CNC shield for control. The CNC shield uses A4988 drivers to control the stepper motors. I uploaded the GRBL (for this shield) firmware to ...
Yuri's user avatar
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Power Supply for Nema 17 motors [closed]

I'm using below things to make cnc plotter and cnc lathe : 3x Nema 17 Motor, CNC shield v3, 4x DRV8825 driver, 3x Endstop, Arduino UNO Some where in the post I read that if there is a CNC with 3 ...
Shanki Bansal's user avatar