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Questions tagged [cnc]

Computer Numerical Control: the computer or digital control of tools in a machine shop like lathes, mills and drill presses.

17 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Adding PWM function to a XL Semi XL4015 5 A 180 kHz 36 V buck DC to DC converter to create a NUBM44 laser driver board

I am asking this question just to make sure I haven't missed anything important because I am at best a novice when it comes to electrical engineering. What I am trying to do is build a laser driver ...
Cameron A's user avatar
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Three-phase rotary converter wiring questions

I am installing a 30 HP three-phase rotary converter on a 200 amp service in my home shop. I intend to run a CNC milling machine with a 15 HP motor. I am using 2 AWG wiring in 1" shielded conduit ...
Han Yolo's user avatar
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Candle CNC shrink

Today I tried to use the CNC for my first PCB and the result was only 1/3 the size of the Eagle diagram I made. Where should I input the machine parameters to get a proper size PCB? The CNC is working ...
Antonie Suciu's user avatar
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Eagle PCB G-Code bottom layer incomplete

I first started milling my own boards about 3 years ago using a grbl CNC mill and everything worked great. The designs have been done in eagle cad with the PCB gcode ULP. I put it down for quite some ...
Steven Lutz's user avatar
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Why stepper motor is slow with A4988 driver?

I'm using NEMA17 17HS13-0404S1 stepper motors with Arduino CNC Shield & A4988 drivers but I think they're much slower than they should be. Hard to explain how slow they are but compared to Ender 3 ...
she hates me's user avatar
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How to use less Bipolar Stepper-Motor Drivers

I make a CNC machine with lot of drivers (12) and the quality ones are quite expensives. As I never use all the motors at the same time, and the fact that the unused/resting motors can be off is not ...
Morpheus's user avatar
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What power relationship (between active and reactive powers) should I expect from a CNC machine?

I have collected loads of power data from a 3-phase CNC machine and it all looks like this: The 3-phase active and reactive powers can be seen above, as well as the Q (reactive) - P (active) ...
DimP's user avatar
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Kicad and Flatcam - how to route internal cutout areas

I use Kicad for PCB design these days, and usually get the boards made professionally. However, sometimes I want something quickly, and if it's very simple or I just want a space model I sometimes ...
nmw01223's user avatar
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Flatcam creating command uncessesary M6

I create a cnc file from a gerber file, B-cu (bottom copper side). When trying to mill this with Cancle, I get an M6 error. Since this is only milling with 1 tool Vshape 20deg 0.1mm, I do not ...
Ludo Kustermans's user avatar
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230V 3-Phase Power Supply for VFD and PSU Repair

I am repairing CNC electronics and need some lab equipment. I need a 3-phase, 230 V input for the power supply and VFD to debug them. Where should I look to get a supply for this? Is there something I ...
Ishmael's user avatar
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Calculating spindle current if measuring 3 phase line current

I currently have a spindle that is being powered by a 3 phase supply. I am measuring the line current in each of the 3 cables using 3 current transducers. I am trying to calculate the instant ...
Matt's user avatar
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Why extending the wire of stepper motor leads to vibration?

I'm almost newbie in hobby electronics and I'm trying to extend the wires of my Nema17 stepper motor. (Model: Stepperonline 17HS13-0404S1, 12V, 0.4A) But somehow extension leads to vibration. It's ...
she hates me's user avatar
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GRBL issue with PWM on Arduino CNC Shield

PWM with laser plugged in PWM with laser unplugged I'm having some issues with my PWM laser control. When I connect the laser, the voltage on the Z+ pin goes up to around 1V which is undefined in ...
Juan Pablo Pino Bravo's user avatar
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Endstop switched

I have a cnc machine and I need to connect an end stop switched to the motor and stages. first I need a simulation for this, that each snd stop is connected to a stage (x,y,z) and when the switch is ...
Bader Khalid's user avatar
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Is this the right way to connect a Brushless Motor Driver Output Signal to a CNC BreakoutBoard?

I will purchase a Spindle Brushless Motor Driver to drive my Lathe Spindle, and I need to know if I´ll be able to connect an output signal from the Driver to my CNC BreakoutBoard (BOB), which is a ...
Rodrigo's user avatar
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Grounding the components of a DIY cnc machine

I'm in the process of building a DIY cnc machine. It already runs, but I noticed it has some interference problems (steppers act weird on occasions, the full graphic smart controller LCD has trouble ...
RunoTheDog's user avatar
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stepper motor cable connection to enclosure

My cables (DB-15, GX16) come with wire ending. I do not want to insert the cable into the enclosure, but rather have connectors on the back panel for them. Image source: https://www.omc-stepperonline....
Paolo's user avatar
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