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Questions tagged [coin-cell]

A coin cell (also known as a button cell) is a small round cylindrical battery. They consist of a single cell and are typically 5-20mm in diameter but often only a few millimetres thick therefore having a similar profile to a coin or button.

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20 votes
4 answers

How are these pins glued/stuck/soldered on a cell coin battery?

I need to attach wires to a CR1620 cell battery, in a device I'm repairing with not enough physical space for a plastic "battery holder". Even the smallest "battery holders" 3D ...
Basj's user avatar
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3 answers

Coin Cell Low Voltage Disconnect

I have a rechargeable coin-cell that needs to be protected from overdischarge. It supplys power to a Real Time Clock and SRAM ICs when my application is not powered(3.5uA). I was thinking of using a ...
user30884's user avatar
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4 votes
6 answers

PCB Footprint Design of a Coin Cell Holder

I have a PCB that has issues with the coin cell bottom side making poor contact with the GND pad below it. Even with solder paste applied during the assembly, the pad is a bit inset of the soldermask. ...
cs_eng_516's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Confirming Application of LT1308

I am intending to power a small microcontroller off a coin cell battery. The microcontroller consumes as little as 15 microamps. I have a couple questions: Just confirming, will the IC work with such ...
AmateurEnthusiast's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Battery draining faster than predicted based on measured current draw

Summary: I have an LED circuit powered by a coin cell. It loses voltage faster than expected and the LED signal becomes too weak to be useful in an unacceptably short time period. I have a circuit ...
EE_Questions's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is it safe to connect CR2032 cells in parallel?

As mentioned in the title, I would like to connect two CR2032 cells in parallel to increase their capacity. If they are slightly different voltages then won't the better battery "charge" the ...
16-bit-apps's user avatar
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Powering RTC DS3231 through BAT pin while keeping the coin cell battery in place

I'm working on a battery-powered DSLR camera controller with a MCU (ATMEGA328P) that spends most of the time in deep sleep and a RTC (DS3231) that wakes up the MCU a few times a day to take a picture. ...
Camilo Rada's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Handling large current peaks on CR2032 battery

I’m designing a nRF52832 SOC based device and I came across this issue with energy buffering and battery voltage drop. I am using a CR2032 battery, nRF52832 SoC and a VCNL3040 proximity sensor. This ...
Letho's user avatar
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Commercialising an electronic project - Li-ion pouch cells or coin cells?

I'm looking to move past the prototype stage and bring a small, low voltage, wireless electronic project to market. (it's a musical instrument) The prototype incorporated a Li-ion pouch cell and USB ...
EngTech1's user avatar
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ML2032 battery charger

I have recently bought some rechargeable ML2032 cells and also bought a charger for it. Unfortunately the charger does not work, so I tried to find alternatives, but here the problem starts. According ...
Markus Schlatzer's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Best way to power a single LED from a battery

I'm looking for a good way to power a single LED with a coin battery (CR2032). Here are some of the requirements/characteristics of the system I'm trying to add this LED to: I don't need full ...
Razero's user avatar
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4 answers

Resistor values for LED matrix

I am designing a binary coded watch with an attiny1616 MCU and an LED watchface. The matrix I designed is displayed below along with the rest of the schematic. The LEDs is 2.1V 30mA and I plan to ...
AWESDUDE COOL's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Coin cell holder not powering circuit

I use a 3023 Keystone electronics, through-hole coin cell holder in my circuit. When I connect the Arduino to my computer, it gets powered up without any issue and my circuit works just fine. The ...
tomcajot's user avatar
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Circuit for charging a coin cell battery while also powering main circuitry

I am looking to design a USB rechargeable device that feature a small microcontroller set up to run at low clock frequency driving a few LEDs. I'd like to power it off a 2032 coin cell battery or ...
Emmett Palaima's user avatar
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TP4056 circuit - have I got this right?

I've designed and built this circuit which seems to work, but this isn't my day job so if anyone's able to take a look at it and let me know if you can see any flaws or potential improvements I'd be ...
charliefarley's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

What are these types of coin cell contacts called?

I am working on a low-profile product that will be powered by a coin cell. I've seen some products that use coin cell contacts that allow the battery to be beside the PCB, rather than on top of it. ...
Chris Fernandez's user avatar
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1 answer

When do I have to worry about shorting? (Coin cell battery assembly)

At work I assemble coin cell batteries (lithium metal) inside a glovebox. I'm a bit confused as to when I do and do not have to worry about shorting. For example, say I'm making this battery: Cathode: ...
hawruh's user avatar
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HX711 powered directly from coin cell

Is it a good idea to use HX711 in a project (personal weight scale) that is powered directly from a coin cell (CR2032) without any external or its internal voltage regulator? I shut down the whole ...
karel.o's user avatar
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2 answers

A question about "Coin Cells And Peak Current Draw" App Note

I'm trying to understand this small TI's app note called Coin Cells And Peak Current Draw, but I don't get it. This white paper is interested in increasing the battery life of coin-cell-powered ...
gbt's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Power path management with coin cell

I have a small circuit which is normally powered by a CR2032 coin cell but also has a SWD header for programming. I made a simple power path switch so that when I am programming, VDD is supplied by ...
Erik Henriksson's user avatar
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Coin cell UV pendant Q2 [duplicate]

I am a beginner with LED lights, but would like to use a 5mm 365nm UV LED diode to make a pendant with a small fluorescent crystal. I would like to create a very simple, very compact circuit with a ...
Devika Menon's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Coin cell to power a 5mm UV LED?

I am a beginner with LED lights, but would like to use a 5mm UV LED to make a pendant with a small fluorescent crystal. (This is what I purchased (
Devika Menon's user avatar
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Switching between VCC and V_BAT

I am designing a circuit for a GPS receiver IC and RTC. As both of them require a V_BCKP connection I will be using a CR2032 (non-rechargeable) battery for V_BAT supply. To make sure the minimum use ...
Sap's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the maximum voltage of a coin cell battery? [closed]

The nominal voltage seems to be 3V for a coin cell battery (e.g. motherboard battery), but what the maximum of a fully charged battery fresh out of a package from the factory? What is the theoretical ...
tarabyte's user avatar
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Coin cell batteries that are 1V or lower?

Does anyone if there are any coin cell batteries that are 1V or lower? I did a Google search and I checked on websites like Mouser, Digikey and find that the smallest voltage is 1.4 or 1.5V
Sharath Raju's user avatar
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2 answers

IR Leds to be Driven by Coin cell

Can a coin cell with rating >= 500 mAh be used to drive a set of 3 IR LEDs if each takes 100 mA forward current? I'll be drawing 300 mA (3 LEDs) current continuously from the cell, I heard that ...
Jogger's user avatar
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2 answers

Recommended discharge current of coin cell

I am thinking of using small coin cells to power white LEDs (20mA @ 3V FWD voltage). When I look at some coin cell specs sheets, I've seen "recommended discharge current" of only a few mA or ...
KMC's user avatar
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2 answers

Is boost converter enough to provide pulse currents without drawing too much current from a coin cell

I am making a RF circuit which could operate using a 3V coin cell battery like CR2032 or CR2450. In sleep mode it consumes around 10-20uA but during Tx/Rx which lasts for 10ms it consumes ~300mA-ms. ...
mosdkr's user avatar
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Powering a RF circuit with CR2032 along a capacitor, pulse currents of 150mA

I am designing a battery powered circuit which performs RF communication. The goal is to use a 3V CR2032 battery. The RF circuit consumes 0.2mA as average current and lowest voltage it can work on is ...
mosdkr's user avatar
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1 answer

Connecting a supercapacitor to a supply with voltage lesser than capacitor's rated voltage

I am connecting a 3V power supply (CR2032/CR2450 coin cell) to a 1.5F 5.5V rated supercap. Given that the supply voltage is lesser than rated voltage of supercap, chances of any damage become minimal. ...
mosdkr's user avatar
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1 answer

Calculating Battery Life with different working voltages

I have device that draws 30 uA in current continuously, and it is powered by a Panasonic CR2032 device (240 mAh - continuous standard load current: 0.2 mA ). There are two components on this device, ...
cben90's user avatar
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2 answers

Powering modules permanently with 3V lithium coin battery

I am going to use a MCU + bluetooth BLE module. Its VCC pins are going to connect directly to the terminals of a 3V lithium CR2032 battery, for example a standard 170mAh one. 99% of time the module ...
abomin3v3l's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How to use CR2032 in parallel

I want to use multiple CR2032 batteries in parallel for higher capacity in a wireless RF remote (1.8-3.8 V working range for the RF MCU). CR3032 is an option but I rejected it due to price and ...
Whiskeyjack's user avatar
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3 answers

Is there a low voltage LED alternative?

I am trying to create a tiny little watch that is supposed to run off a coin cell (because it is so tiny) and basically just a microcontroller with a 30ppm 1Mhz oscillator that counts upwards. The ...
user2741831's user avatar
0 votes
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LM4890 amplifier and CR1616, how to improve power consumption?

I'm a hobbyst trying to design a simple circuit for amplifying the PWM audio output of an ATTINY85. I'm using an LM4890 (1W amp) and a 1W microspeaker. The problem comes when I supply 3V with a small ...
Emerson's user avatar
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2 answers

Diode behavior when reverse biased with small voltage

I'm designing a simple circuit to use a lithium-metal coin battery as a backup power supply, and I'm considering something simple like this: simulate this circuit – Schematic created using ...
FrancoVS's user avatar
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USB and coin cell battery switching

I'm trying to do a simple, low power, low cost power "switch" for a custom board (I know, it will be complicated). The device will be powered by default by a coin cell battery (3V3 and lower) and can ...
PierreOlivier's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Monitor coin cell voltage without loading it when power is off

Is there a good way to monitor a CR2032 coin cell's voltage, that does not load it down when other power is off? We are using a CR2032 coin cell for a battery-backed real-time clock. When main power ...
Technophile's user avatar
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4 answers

Does the switching frequency and ON/OFF time duration of LED affect the power consumption of LED?

I want to drive the electronics consisting a controller with different peripherals on its I/O pins, one of which is LED, with 3V coin cell battery supply. I want to determine if its switching ...
Dhara Pandya's user avatar
5 votes
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Protecting a coin cell from high current spikes - using a capacitor or not?

I've built some prototypes and try to gather some data from them. Skip below the two horizontal lines to read more about it. Original Question Brief summary I would like to know whether it is ...
Lightly Toasted Bun's user avatar
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Interfacing coin cell back up for internal RTC of ESP32

In esp wroom-32 all the VDD pins has a common connection. It includes VDD_RTC too. So in case of power failure if I switch the power between main DC source and coin cell using a mosfet, will it create ...
Sourav Garnaik's user avatar
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How to calculate CR2032 battery life with LED

I want to power an LED that has a 3.3V forward voltage using two 3V CR2032 coin cell batteries to create a 6V supply. I set the resistor for a 20 mA current. For my application, the LED will be turned ...
donut's user avatar
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nRF52382 low power RTC data lost

Posting here, since Nordic DevZone is broken for me (Made a long post that didn't upload, just kept loading). I am currently approaching this from HW point of view (I personally not developing ...
crypton's user avatar
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2 answers

HC-SR04 distance sensor trigger signal on 2.5 V voltage level gives no reading

I am using an Arduino on a breadboard setup with an ATMEGA328p MCU. The whole circuit is designed to work in a low-power state and is powered using a 3 V (nominal) Coin Cell. The HC-SR04 is getting a ...
Marry35's user avatar
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Capacitor for handling startup current of DC-DC converter shows different behavior

I’m using a 5V DC-DC converter to step-up a coin cell (Nominal Voltage: 3V) to 5V which did not work. I suspected that the high startup current of the converter was causing the Cell voltage to drop, ...
Marry35's user avatar
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Powering 5V external sensors from 3V Coin Cell Embedded System

I have a customized circuit using ATMEGA328p with Arduino Boot-loader to develop a Wireless Sensor Network which sends readings from a JSN-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor to another node via nRF24L01+ wireless ...
Marry35's user avatar
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3 answers

Can you build a battery from scratch which is able to make a computer run?

I'm learning about batteries and I'm really fascinated by this topic. I saw some online videos on how to build some "Voltaic Pile - like" batteries with coins and other kind of cells in different ways....
Gabriele Scarlatti's user avatar
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Can I use 3v CR2032 to power multiple vibration motors?

I am planning to use a 3v Arduino pro mini with 2 coin cells (3v CR2032 each). I also need to connect 6 flat vibration motors in series rated as follows:- Rated Voltage: 3v, Rated Current: 70mA Can ...
Hardik Sharma's user avatar
6 votes
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Coin cell battery recharging circuit for RTC backup power

I am designing a system that contains an RTC to for displaying the date and time on a user interface, as well as log events with time stamps. In this particular case, the system gets powered-on at ...
wave.jaco's user avatar
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lithium coin cells, safe to completely cover? lightweight method to protect from the environment

I am trying to make equipment to measure temperature in small mammals, probably attached to a neck collar. The collar needs to be very lightweight (e.g. <3g total) so I am planning to use a ...
Shara's user avatar
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