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Stability issue: Compensation changes using Bode plot in LTspice

I am encountering issues with a LT8390 design, particularly in higher load current conditions, which leads me to suspect a stability problem. The design parameters are as follows: vin 18-36 (28v ...
chami's user avatar
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Double pole, double zero: incorrect plot?

I can't seem to find where I'm going wrong here. Suppose I want a double pole, double zero system that looks like this: $$ \dfrac{\left(1+\dfrac{s}{\omega_z}\right)\left(1+\dfrac{s}{\omega_z}\right)}{\...
SM32's user avatar
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Why this overshoot in transient?

I am designing a forward converter whose output can be variable from 4V to 30V, 0-5A. This is going to be a pre-regulator for a linear converter. This is the schematic: I am using UC3844 controller ...
tinkerer's user avatar
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How to plot uncomensated loop gain in LTspice

I want to plot an uncompensated loop gain of a dcm flyback dc-dc converter. I know that I can derive the control to output transfer function and then plot the uncompensated loop gain but that just ...
tinkerer's user avatar
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Underlying reasoning behind lead and lag nomenclature of compensation

If \$0<z, \;p\$, the Laplace transform transfer function \$\frac{s+z}{s+p}\$ constitute two distinct types of compensators. If we look at this schematic, \$0<z<p\$ (lead compensation) implies ...
kbakshi314's user avatar
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Dynamic Compensator in Control Loop

Sorry if this has been asked previously, but I couldn't find anything here or elsewhere on Google (but maybe I'm searching the wrong terms). I'm trying to design a Type 2 compensator for a PWM chip I'...
Nick U.'s user avatar
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Interpreting bode plot of type 3 compensation network for buck regulator

I'm struggling to design the type 3 compensation network for a simple buck PWM controller. The controller is a Richtek RT8110B. According to the datasheet, half of the type 3 network is in-built and ...
Dan Laks's user avatar
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Lag compensator Design

I have a system with unity feedback using lag compensation to get \$10\%\$ overshoot and a settling time of \$1\;s\$. The continuous-time transfer function of the closed loop system is $$g(s) =\frac{0....
Sumanta Nanda's user avatar