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How to measure the 3 dB bandwidth of an opamp in LTSpice

I am interested to use an opamp with an exact 3 dB rolloff at 320 kHz for an sinewave (voltage swing) from -10 to +10 V. I think I need to do this using some resistors and capacitors on the feedback ...
DEKKER's user avatar
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Stability issue: Compensation changes using Bode plot in LTspice

I am encountering issues with a LT8390 design, particularly in higher load current conditions, which leads me to suspect a stability problem. The design parameters are as follows: vin 18-36 (28v ...
chami's user avatar
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Buck Converter Compensation and Transient Response

I am trying to compensate a buck converter. I've set up an averaged model of a buck converter in LTSpice. Here is a picture of the simulation. The B3 voltage takes into account the gain from using a 5 ...
Gman's user avatar
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AC analysis of SMPS shows instability. How to modify the analysis to reflect the transient stability?

Background I have designed a switch-mode power stage with voltage-mode control that uses an LCLC filter in its output to obtain a very low ripple output voltage. I have empirically arrived at a ...
tobalt's user avatar
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LTspice-RIAA-simulation not working out

I'm trying to simulate a RIAA-phonograph-preamp since I want to build a phono-preamp. I've built everything according to the data provided by LT for the LT1115. But my simulation seems to not be ...
Joel Rupp's user avatar
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opamp constant-gm bias circuit

I try to incorporate the constant-gm bias circuit (Figure 6 in Improvements_in_biasing_and_compensation_of_CMOS_opamp) into the PFC (positive feedback frequency compensation) opamp, but it resulted in ...
kevin's user avatar
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