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Questions tagged [compensation]

For questions about designing electronics to account for undesirable characteristics or behaviors, such as frequency compensation in a feedback control system to avoid instability and/or improve gain and phase margin, reduce overshoot and ringing, improve bandwidth, etc. Consider using in conjunction with associated tags such as "feedback", "stability", "frequency-response", "nyquist-plot", "bode-plot", "operational-amplifier", etc., if appropriate.

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2 votes
1 answer

Implementing an Avalanche Photo Diode Circuit

I am working on a circuit that will make low light measurements in the visible range. The measurements will be of biological samples that are fluorescing. For this application an Avalanche Photo Diode ...
EasyOhm's user avatar
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1 vote
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Using a suitable Compensator problem - Control Theory

Problem: \$\,\,\,\$ A system is described by the open loop transfer function $$\frac{k(s+2)(s+7)}{(s+5)(s^2+2s+5)}$$ Design a suitable compensator in order to have \$w_n =\sqrt{10}\,rad/s\$ and \$\eta=...
user120404's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Compensation of forward voltage drop of a diode - software

In my case I would like to compensate with software a voltage drop over the diode. I have diode RS2J which supplies DC/DC (50mA - 200 mA) converter at this point with resistor divider I would like to ...
doodgraver's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Temperature compensation accelerometer and cross axis sensitivity calibration

I'm trying to compensate a 3-axis MEMS accelerometer for temperature. I can access a climate chamber where the device can be rotated in ONE axis. There is another place where I can rotate two axis, ...
Jan's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Why do we compensate PWM controllers?

I have been studying switch mode power supplies for a while. I have understood the working principle of several common topologies But there is a detail in the control circuit structures which I still ...
hkBattousai's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Transfer function of a real operational amplifer

We all know how operational amplifiers behave in real world. I am trying to figure out the transfer function of an operational amplifier, part number UA741CN, from the data sheet. The data sheet from ...
user1113217's user avatar
7 votes
6 answers

Help Understanding a signal rectifier

I was reading an electronics book and came upon this circuit. I am having a difficult time understanding why the voltage across D1 is 0.6V. I understand that that the reason is because the input ...
ergodicsum's user avatar

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