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Questions tagged [compression]

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Chirp pulse compression as described in Stimson's book

I reference the below diagram, from Stimson's Airborne Radar, 2nd Ed. In the text he discusses how the frequency increases linearly throughout the duration of tau. The sketch of the frequency x time ...
fpd011's user avatar
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Standards for measuring analog audio signal devices

I'm making a Analog Channel Strip for a project. I'm searching for standards that let me or give me an advice of how to measure Dynamic Range, THD and THD+N, SNR, Frequency Response and input/output ...
Zlmanuel87's user avatar
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How to make a circuit to generate a signal to mute a signal and then gradually swell the gain back up? [duplicate]

I assume this is a kind of sidechain insert for a hardware compressor circuit. The application is for electric guitar. The idea is to use a parallel signal chain; one straight signal channel, the ...
mr coffee's user avatar
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4 answers

Algorithm for compressing a stream of 12-bit ADC data in a Cortex M0 microcontroller

In my application, a Cortex M0 microcontroller currently samples an ADC signal at 10 kHz and sends the result via a USB serial cable to a computer. I want to now increase the sampling rate to over 100 ...
mr_js's user avatar
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Why does reciprocating compressor's motor starting winding have high voltage than running winding

I want to know why the starting winding of (2 ton) reciprocating compressor's motor have high voltage than running winding? I have attached the voltage that I have captured from oscilloscope. This ...
Fame's user avatar
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A few questions regarding the functionality of this negative peak audio detector

I have some queries regarding this peak detector from an audio compressor circuit: My understanding of the process is that when the positive input swings low, D5 is negatively biased and stops ...
Josh Taylor's user avatar
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Improve linearity by increasing P1dB by increasing Vds

So I am using MRF6V2150N as power stage and I was using VDS 28V and increased it to 34V. I see that the linearity increased since the P1dB shifted upwards. And this also improved (lowered) the IMD3 ...
уве вонг's user avatar
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Efficient single cycle huffman decoding technique with wider input data?

I have a wider input data (Byte width) running in my system, and I'm implementing a huffman decoding on this incoming data. Since, the Huffman encoded words don't have the fixed length, hence I need ...
Learner's user avatar
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6 answers

Lossless compression technique for digital signals in an embedded system

Here's the scenario: I have an embedded system where an ADC logs a 16-bit potentiostat sample every 2 seconds. The system continues to record data for weeks, making memory usage a concern. Instead of ...
toasty's user avatar
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Fridge stoped working properly [closed]

a Friend have a problem with the fridge&freezer - it does not produce coldness anymore. Company : AEG Electrolux Model : S 75348KG5 Typ : CBFF340 EL We would like to know why, and what we can ...
hkjz's user avatar
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array must be of constant range error

i have an output reg called compressed_out.base_size and delta_size are parameters. if the enable[l] = 0, I need the base_size bits in sub_out to be written to compressed_out. if enable[l]=1, only ...
Keerthana T Gopi's user avatar
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Smart encoding of 2 dimensional sensor data [closed]

I have a 2D position sensor which returns the pressed locations on it. For example, a sensor that 8x8 sized returns 64 points. It can give up to 1000 frames per second. All data must be send to GUI ...
Berker Işık's user avatar
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Choosing usb-c earphones that are lossless? [closed]

I know the USB-C audio standard support multiple compression standards, some lossy, some lossless. Can i control this in software or hardware ? how can i choose earphones that will guarantee ...
hulkingtickets's user avatar
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Audio amplifier alignment procedure questions

I have a couple of questions related to the alignment procedure for the amplifier of Klipsch SW-12, a powered subwoofer. Its service manual (link below) says the following: (page 3) COMPRESSION ...
zeron's user avatar
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xilinx FPGA difference between bitgen and prom compression?

Page 39 of UG161 talks about compression/decompression and implies that either bitgen or prom compression can be used to shorten the config bit stream size. Most importantly I need to know whether, ...
Billy M's user avatar
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IP2 1dB compression point representation and formula

I'm trying to calculate the 1dB compression point in a second order interception. I did find many examples using third order, however, for a second order, I couldn't find much. In Matlab I could ...
R user's user avatar
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Normalizing audio signal for ADC input

What is the best way to limit an audio signal for ADC input (to 0V - 3.3V) with out disrupting it harmonically? Ideally, I'd like the conditioned signal entering the ADC to be a signal uniformly ...
Malcolm Regan's user avatar
-5 votes
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Circuit for DFT transform? [closed]

In my recent project I need to apply DFT to signal and find it's coefficient values. Can you please suggest any circuit/chip which can perform DFT/FFT transform on analog signals?
Virange's user avatar
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Video Out through USB (or other means)

For an medium-high speed ADC converter, my FPGA is currently receiving 16-bit samples at 54 MHz over an LVDS interface (4 differential signal lines plus 1 differential clock signal). These are video/...
Pål-Kristian Engstad's user avatar
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Dynamic Range Compressor Pedal Operation

A Dynamic Range Compressor works by "clamping" an incoming signal. Above a certain input threshold, the gain of the device is reduced to a lower level. This has the effect of making quieter sounds ...
Patagonian Rat's user avatar
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3 answers

Compression schemes sending difference between successive samples only, what would happen if error occurs?

There are multiple inginious data compression methods in which we send the difference between current and next sample rather than the actual value of the sample. This makes it possible to send the ...
quantum231's user avatar
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Why does using Discrete Cosine Transform lead to data compression?

DCT is used in JPEG standard along with Huffman encoding to further compress the result. I understand that most of the data in spatial domain which is an image is "present in low frequencies". This is ...
quantum231's user avatar
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Compression and communication power consumption trade-offs

Let's say I'd like to save battery power consumption when sending data to remote devices connected wirelessly, i.e., sensor networks. One of the ideas may be compressing the data to reduce the number ...
prosseek's user avatar
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port masking and ports in pic

i have data at portb on microprocessor (pic), i need to compress three bits rb3,rb4, and rb5, the other pins are various IO on port b, i wish to compress that info held in those three pins on port b, ...
StevieB's user avatar
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