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How to using JAL in RISCV in this example?

Write a "replace" function that replaces every character in the source string between the first occurrence of character "(" and the first following ")" with character &...
黑旗Vlland's user avatar
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RISC-V Exercise: why is `MemtoReg = 1`?

Given the instruction sd x12, 20(x13) (ISA RV64I), what are the inputs and outputs of the encircled MUX? My answer: if x[n] is ...
Sam's user avatar
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How different layers of cache connect in hardware?

I had a RISC-V CPU with L1 Instruction Cache and L1 Data Cache, and I want to connect these two L1 Caches to unified L2 Cache. I have the following questions: Does the unified L2 Cache have dual port ...
Johnson_NCKU_EE's user avatar