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Questions tagged [computer-architecture]

Computer architecture refers to both the design of a computer's external interfaces (instruction sets) and a computer's internal implementation (microarchitecture). The goal of these design decisions is to optimize speed, power efficiency, size, or cost while satisfying constraints on the rest.

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7 votes
4 answers

How does pipelined CPU access both code and data memory in real life?

In the Digital Design and Computer Architecture RISC-V Edition page 442, a pipelined CPU is designed with separate instruction and data memories, as shown in the figure below. However, this picture ...
u185619's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

What Determines the Maximum Speed of a Data Interface? [closed]

Coming from the software side of things, every now and then I'll hear about some new USB, PCIe, or other standard and how it's faster than the last. What is the determining factor behind how fast a ...
akmrv's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

RISC-V Exercise: why is `MemtoReg = 1`?

Given the instruction sd x12, 20(x13) (ISA RV64I), what are the inputs and outputs of the encircled MUX? My answer: if x[n] is ...
Sam's user avatar
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1 answer

Are my assumptions on NMOS voltage at drain correct?

If voltage at gate is ground and voltage at source is ground, then voltage at drain is VDD If voltage at gate is ground and voltage at source is VDD, then voltage at drain is floating If voltage at ...
user22336656's user avatar
1 vote
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How to understand t and t-1 in DFF mechanism?

I'm following the course From Nand to tetris. In chapter 3, the authors introduce the notion of Data Flip-flop (DFF), which computes the output(t) = input(t-1) where t is the time. My question is that ...
VDT-QHH's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Can consumer NPU hardware be repurposed?

Limiting this to the current generation of consumer NPU hardware going into new PCs: Can the NPU accelerator hardware being put in recent PCs practically be repurposed for non-AI tasks? And what ...
davolfman's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Understading CPU pipeline stages

I'm working on implementing a CPU that needs a three-stage pipeline. The division of those stages is open for me to determine. I am struggling to comprehend how the stages are counted. While some ...
TheGMX's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

Single port ROM: how does the CPU read constant data?

I am looking at different CPU micro-architectures. Frequently, it happens that the ROM is supposed to contain only instruction data. See below for an example: In such design, how is the CPU supposed ...
wbs2422's user avatar
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2 answers

1-bit computing with true one-instruction set architecture

Even though MC14500B is considered as 1-bit computing where it accepts 1-bit data to perform operation, the instruction set itself consisted with 4-bit instruction which leads having 16 total ...
Muhammad Ikhwan Perwira's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Are iGPUs utilized in any way while using a discrete GPU? Could they? Should they?

Whenever I've seen die shots of CPUs that contain integrated GPUs, it seems that the GPU takes up a not-insignificant portion of the die. (Source: AMD "Phoenix 2" die shot, purely an ...
A. W.'s user avatar
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0 answers

Applying analog computer with passive circuit only

TLDR You can skip to question section. Intro I know the analog computer was actually invented long ago. I don't know how analog computer architecture was, but I guess it was using active components. ...
Muhammad Ikhwan Perwira's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

nand2tetris ALU Question

So im working on the ALU for the nand2tetris course online (for fun) and it's "design" is supposed to be as such: ...
msmith1114's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why did my CR 2032 CMOS battery with reversed polarity discharge when connected?

I own an Intel NUC which we use as a HTPC. It stays turned off most of the time minus game day/movie nights. It by default uses a JST connector standard polarity CR 2032 3V battery. I ordered a ...
itcorekj's user avatar
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does data and instruction memory we see in the data path corresponds to the L1 Instruction and Data cache inside of the core?

In CPU data path there are blocks called data memory and instruction memory ? Are these blocks L1 Instruction and L1 data caches ? For instance check figure 4.10 in this link. We know that generally ...
Abdulkadir Arslan's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Memory clock and Bus clock

The bus clock rate is how many times per second data is transferred from one component to another. If we consider DRAM DDR4-3200, the clock frequency of the RAM bus today can be 1600 MHz at the same ...
Slaycapь's user avatar
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1 answer

How to implement the Instruction Set in Logisim

I have an assignment that requires me to build an 7-bit CPU. I’m done with implementing some of the requirements that includes 4 8-bit registers (the requirements say I have to store the parity bit), ...
maira's user avatar
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2 answers

What does Vdd and Voh mean?

I truly apologize if this question title is vague I don’t really know entirely what to ask. I’m a programmer interested in computer architecture and I’ve been reading a book about digital design. ...
mox's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Why forward from MEM Stage in a sequence of add instructions that all contain the same register?

I was reading Computer Architecture and Organization 5th edition by Patterson and Hennessy. In Chapter 4, section 4.7 on Data Hazards, I read the following excerpt regarding forwarding from the MEM ...
Juan De Castro's user avatar
2 votes
6 answers

What can be done with all of the extra address lines in a ROM? Why were they designed to have so few outputs compared to possible inputs?

I am a student in an introductory Digital Logic and Computer Systems course. We have been learning about ROMS, but often we just use them to basically just map truth tables onto them. We have been ...
LeBronJames's user avatar
5 votes
6 answers

Were vacuum tube computers made of logic gates?

A lot of introductory resources on modern CPU present them as being built from NAND gates (see here and there for instance). Actually, it is possible to build a modern CPU using almost exclusively ...
Weier's user avatar
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20 votes
10 answers

What do we mean when we say something is done "in hardware" versus "in software"?

Describing a specific operation as being done "in hardware" versus "in software" in a given computer system is common. For example, simple computer systems (I am assuming) might ...
EE18's user avatar
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2 answers

How is the structure of a matrix addressable memory block realized?

Currently studying memory addressing in IC design, my professor mentioned matrix addressing and how it reduces the number of input lines to the memory block. But he didn't make himself clear on the ...
mxpici's user avatar
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1 answer

Why does saving addresses on a stack give us the only way out for both nesting and "recursing" subroutines? [closed]

My text (Computer Organization and Embedded Systems, 6e, by Hamacher et al.) poses the following: Consider the following possibilities for saving the return address of a subroutine: (a) In a ...
EE18's user avatar
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2 answers

How do P-type transistors conduct current?

Going through a Introduction to Computing Systems by Yale N. Patt and Sanjay J. Patel and currently reading a chapter on MOS transistors. From what I understand, N-type transistors "close" a ...
noor.soreti's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Is assembly microarchitecture dependent?

Many microarchitectures can implement a given digital system architecture. For example, and as Weste and Harris explain in their CMOS VLSI Design, Digital VLSI design is often partitioned into five ...
EE18's user avatar
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Some questions on this reduced MIPS architecture

Consider the attached discussion of a reduced MIPS microprocessor from Weste and Harris's CMOS VLSI Design. My recollection of my computer organization course is relatively weak, so I'm hoping someone ...
EE18's user avatar
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On understanding tradeoffs associated with pipeline depth

In Weste and Harris's CMOS VLSI Design, they write the following in the context of a discussion about how different levels of design abstraction interact but, to be clear, my question is about the ...
EE18's user avatar
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2 answers

Why do AVR microprocessors have two ways (paths) to access I/O ports?

I've an ATmega328P. Register Summary Page 275 ATmega328P datasheet. The first address is the I/O address, and the second is the data memory address. I'm going to set all (D ports) Data Direction ...
Amr Elkamash's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

For DDR4 and DDR5, is tCCD_l timing to be obeyed for accesses in a single row as well?

So I have been trying to learn about DDR4 and DDR5 memories, and it seems that the Column-to-Column delay values (in clock cycles) are different depending on whether consecutive accesses are inter-...
Kraken's user avatar
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0 answers

Wrong value in memory because of a branch misprediction

Lets say we have instructions like: bne r1 $0 loop sw r2 0(r1) Let's say we go ahead with the taken path, i.e., execute the sw instruction after bne assuming the ...
Ashutosh Mishra's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Why use bytes instead of words for offsets in 'lw' and 'sw' instructions?

In assembly language, there are instructions like 'lw' (load word) and 'lb' (load byte). Both of these instructions involve adding an offset to a base address. It seems counterintuitive, however, that ...
Emad Kheyroddin's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Does the chipset act as a "gateway" to the system bus?

I am trying to understand how exactly the main memory and peripheral devices like NIC, video card, hard disk, USB, etc. are physically or electrically connected to the system bus. Pasting here the ...
Noob_Guy's user avatar
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1 answer

Why is memory addressed using 2 address decoders only and not more? [duplicate]

I am currently taking a university course about computer architecture in which we learned basic DRAM architecture and addressing. As far as I know, each latch is selected using decoder outputs to ...
Yousef Irshaid's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to make the "arithmetic" part of the ALU to be mircoprogrammed?

We know that the Arithmetic and Logic Unit in CPU is a hardware, it is a combinational circuit. Binary addition, for example, is very fast because it doesn't have to be microprogrammed; there is ...
Noob_Guy's user avatar
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1 answer

Understanding decode stage of x86 fetch-decode-execute pipeline and its (lack of) register requirements

FDE pipeline has register requirements for the F & D stages: For fetching an instruction from memory, the instruction pointer register points to the memory location of the next instruction to be ...
computegirl314's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How are `call` and `return` usually implemented in microarchitecture? [closed]

This is a follow-on from this question: Are `call` and `return` usually instructions in a modern ISA? I'd like to implement call and ...
Connor's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Are `call` and `return` usually instructions in a modern ISA?

I've been working through the problems in a game based around building a Turing Complete machine. One of the final problems asks you to implement the call and ...
Connor's user avatar
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1 answer

Alu Control output not return 010 for Addi instruction

I'm currently working on a project for a MIPS Datapath Simulation website. The project aims to demonstrate how instructions work. I've implemented the Alu Control Unit using the combinational logic ...
Phronesis's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Electrical/physical difference between Primary Memory and Secondary Memory connection to CPU

It is said that the difference between primary memory and secondary memory is that primary memory is "directly accessible by CPU", while secondary memory is "not directly accessible by ...
Noob_Guy's user avatar
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1 answer

Retrieval of information from a sequential circuit

SR-NOR Latch circuit is a sequential circuit in which there exist two, different modes Reset and Set. Electricity flows along ...
Cake's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How does CPU's Machine Check Architecture work?

Modern CPUs can alert the OS when itself is malfunctioning, i.e. logically incorrect, and apparently, this is supported by a hardware diagnostic feature called Machine Check Architecture. I can ...
Meatball Princess's user avatar
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Mark Horowitz Computing's energy problem - methodology

I have a question about the Mark Horowitz paper: Computing’s Energy Problem (and what we can do about it). In the paper, the author breaks down the sources of energy loss in modern computing systems. ...
Jure Vreča's user avatar
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Computer Board and Raspberry

I have a question for which I haven't found any source to explain it to me. For personal projects raspberry pi is usually used as computer. How it is substituted in commercial products? Do they make ...
Mukund's user avatar
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Is floating point IEEE754 binary digit represented using special unit/circuit for arithmetic operation?

We know that two un/signed integers arithmetic operation using special circuit called full-adder to execute arithmetic operation in Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU). The full-adder I mean is classical ...
Muhammad Ikhwan Perwira's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why do we need stalls even if branches can be determined?

I am learning about pipelining and was reading about control hazards from the book Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface (MIPS Edition). There is a paragraph in the book (...
Prithvidiamond's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Can components like EPROM or NE 555 timer be built from scratch?

I was watching some videos on building an 8-bit computer and plan to do so myself, however, I wondered if it was possible to make something like an EPROM or 555 timers from scratch using basic ...
0xfffe's user avatar
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Can we service another memory request from L1 cache when an L1 miss is being serviced from L2?

Consider the case where L1 cache miss occurred and is being serviced by L2 cache which could take many cycles (may go to main memory in case of L2 cache miss). In the meantime L1 cache is idle, in ...
HWDesigner's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

What is a PCS accumulator?

I'm currently doing my bachelor's thesis in electronics. While reading an article, I stumbled upon the sentence "The FPU is based on a PCS accumulator...". What does PCS stand for? I can't ...
user294957's user avatar
1 vote
5 answers

Which devices supply input signals for transistors in a computer?

In a computer, I understand that the transistors are used to make up logic gates. For each transistor, there is a current (voltage) that controls the base terminal with the logic "low/high ...
InTheSearchForKnowledge's user avatar
2 votes
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What is a chip generator?

I've been trying to learn more about the RISC-V environment. I've encountered a chip generator called Rocket Chip. What is a chip generator, and how does it differ from a core? I'm trying to ...
user294957's user avatar

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