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Input Filter for Current Sense Amplifier - ODrive

Out of curiosity, can anyone explain to me why the input filters for the current sense amplifiers in the old ODrive schematics are unbalanced (i.e., the external resistor is only on the negative CSA ...
Murphy's user avatar
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How to sense the current an amplifier is supplying?

Consider the circuit below. It is made up of three parts: input, bidirectional amplifier, and output. If we set the gain of the amplifier to 1, then it as if we've just connected the input to the ...
Leonhard Euler's user avatar
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How to measure very low current by amplifying it?

I am trying to measure current from a DC circuit. So it basically I am trying to make an ammeter. I am using ACS712 20A current sensor and Arduino UNO. Theoretically, I can measure a minimum of 50 mA ...
Abdul Muhaymin -Free Palestine's user avatar
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Microamp-milliamp Measuring Circuit: will my circuit work? Feedback/Advice

I'm developing a device which must be able to measure milliamps and microamps on one of its lines (down to 1 microamp, but also clearly seeing if it's less than 1uA). It's going to be DC of different ...
Ilya's user avatar
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op-amp level shifter

I'm working on a brushed dc motor driver and I have to monitor the current. so I use ACHS-7121 current sensor. This sensor convert +-10A into 0V to +5V and have +2.5V in zero current. Now I want to ...
parisa-far's user avatar
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Problem simulating LMP8645 current sense amplfiier in LTspice

Basically the problem i am getting is that the output offset voltage is extremely large (58mv) here is the datasheet for the amp: on page 9 it shows ...
user192's user avatar
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