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Window current detection through a current sense differential amplifier and a comparator

I'd like to implement a circuit to detect the over-current through a grounded load. The limits for that current are either 3mA DC current or -3mA and 3mA in case of bipolar AC current. I want to ...
neusp's user avatar
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SCR falsely triggered on startup (battery low current monitor)

I'm trying to build a li ion low charge current detector and cutoff circuit as a complement to my battery charging setup. Charging should be disconnected when the current reaches 400mA or below. I'...
Buck8pe's user avatar
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LTspice simulation of a fluxgate excitation circuit with H bridge driver, Op-Amp and comparator not behaving as expected

Please see the following LTspice schematic: This is an excitation circuit for a fluxgate current sensor. The inductor L1 models the magnetic core's B-H loop and dimension along with a sensing winding ...
Zhi's user avatar
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Charge indicator with comparator - very sensitive to noise

I need an indicator when the current from my charger is larger than 100mA. I tried the below circuit but this seems very sensitivity to noise. Probably I am getting some ripple in the mV range from ...
Reto's user avatar
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Current sensing with Rdson?

I'm fooling around with a PMOS, a Fairchild FDD6637, and pondering whether it would be possible to use Rdson as a sort of shunt-resistance for measuring the voltage drop, to get the amount of current ...
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