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How to sense the current an amplifier is supplying?

Consider the circuit below. It is made up of three parts: input, bidirectional amplifier, and output. If we set the gain of the amplifier to 1, then it as if we've just connected the input to the ...
Leonhard Euler's user avatar
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Sensing current into a battery while charging

I want to sense the current into a 84 V battery while charging and disconnect it when fully charged using a MOSFET. Is it advisable to use lowside current sensing? I used a noninverting opamp ...
p_karis's user avatar
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Adjustable CC/CV supply with voltage and current limiting having no output voltage at low voltage levels?

Im trying to create a power supply with an addjustable output between 0-12V or 0-3A (CV and CC adjustable). To make sure that the components don’t get damaged I'm trying to implement a protection for ...
Parimo's user avatar
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Over-current sense

I am using a circuit shown below. it is designed to sense 1.5 A whenever the load takes current >= 1.5 A. Rsen senses the related voltage and activates the transistor. Here I use a Rsen = 0.46 R(0.7V/...
EVERYTHING IN LIFE's user avatar
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Closed loop control of PWM using current sensing method

This is the block diagram of the project i am working on. I have a DC voltage range of input as 8V to 16V. The duty cycle at the PWM generation should change automatically from 10% to 90%. I require ...
Yash Verma's user avatar