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Questions tagged [debounce]

When a mechanical switch closes it's contacts typically do not close "cleanly" and tend to bounce or chatter. This rapidly switching signal could be misread in certain situations so it is usual to attempt to reduce this bouncing to ensure a clean switch detection. the danger is that if the switch is not de-bounced you can detect multiple events from one opening or closing. Can be accomplished using analog circuits or digital circuits.

17 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Issues with switch debouncing

I am having some issues with debouncing a switch with an RC filter and 74HC14 Schmitt-trigger inverter IC. I am using a standard circuit that is linked in the datasheet. The circuit in question here ...
Zackery Fleming's user avatar
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Triggering a signal on the falling edge of an input, and not re-triggering when it stays low

I have a 555 in monostable mode that will generate a signal from the transition to low from one of it's inputs (as they do). The issue I have is that the trigger will out last the signal by an order ...
QueueHammer's user avatar
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Debouncing circuit to count the pulses of a water meter with pulse emitter

I want to design a debouncing circuit to count the pulses of a water meter with pulse emitter (it behaves like a push-button). The microcontroller is the msp430g2553. I want to eliminate the rebounds ...
Ultegra12vDi2's user avatar
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555 to debounce comparator output for PIR circuit

I'm trying to create a circuit that takes an input from a PIR and outputs a high signal when movement is detected. My circuit currently looks like the schematic below (VCC is 5V). The circuit works ...
Joseph Roberts's user avatar
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Quadrature encoder interface without capacitor

I have connected Digilent PmodENC board with a rotary shaft encoder to myRIO MXP DIO pin. MyRIO has an internal 40 kOhm pull-up resistor. On PmodENC board each encoder output has 2 resistors with ...
KlemenD's user avatar
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STUSB4500: Contact Ground Issue

I'm working with the STUSB4500 for USB PD Sink. My PD circuit is the same as the Sparkfun Power Delivery USB-C board, and everything works well, except for the fact that the ground is super sensitive ...
Emerson's user avatar
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Debounce switches on car stereo bluetooth receiver

I have retrofitted a Bluetooth receiver to an old car stereo, replacing the cassette. Although this generally works fine, there has been some issues with the three play-pause/ff/rw momentary switches ...
Jungle Jim's user avatar
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Edge detection circuit causing multiple inputs

I am trying to build a shift register using only 2 inputs - a button to enter high, and a button to enter low. Since I'm not using a separate button for the clock, I need to make an edge detection ...
alejanndro's user avatar
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How to connect an EC11E rotary encoder to a microcontroller?

I'm connecting a EC11E rotary encoder to a Adafruit Feather 32u4 Bluefruit LE. The EC11 has 5 pins: 2 for the switch, and 2 for the knob. Connecting the encoder itself would be easy, but I'm having a ...
kid's user avatar
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SPDT switch with opposite polarity and bounce eliminator/debouncer with Schmitt Trigger

I had a question in my electronics course homework pertaining to eliminating the bounce from a SPDT switch with a Schmitt trigger. The switch has two inputs with opposite polarity. I've looked online ...
imthegman55's user avatar
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I couldnt' prevent button arc

Guys i have a circiut in below. There is a problem: i couldn't fix how to prevent this arc on my button. At 2. & 4. pins of button have 100nF and a resistor 1M to series these 2. and 4. pins. When ...
IHK's user avatar
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Driving transistors without using MCUs

I'm trying to drive transistors with just a push of a button without using a MCU. The circuit I drawn drives different transistor on every button push and resets back. First part is a debounce circuit ...
JFetz2191's user avatar
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Simplest schmitt trigger with fewest part count for microcontroller

I own several AT89C4051 microcontrollers and I'm currently trying to read signature bytes of the micros that I probably broke (by applying 7.2V to the VCC pin before noticing the 5V regulator became a ...
Mike -- No longer here's user avatar
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Powering off a switching regulator causes MOSFET to briefly blip on. Arduino

I have stumbled upon a weird issue in my circuit below, that only happens when the DPDT slide switch, S1, goes from an upwards position(On) to the downwards ...
klcjr89's user avatar
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Debouncing and hysteresis questions about a Schmitt trigger circuit

Above is a switching sensor which outputs ON OFF pulses by the 33k pull-down resistor. V2 and R_SW models the switching. The sensor output is needed to be measured between 1Hz upto 150Hz. I'm planning ...
user16307's user avatar
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How do I flash LED with signal from 555 timer ONLY when button is pressed?

I am trying to make a circuit in which an LED is off until a button is pressed, and then it flashes with a 1Hz signal from a 555 timer. Currently, its default state is flashing with 1Hz and when the ...
Chandler Thornton's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

What's the best way to debounce a slider switch?

I'm really struggling with a VHDL implementation of a debouncing circuit for 2-position slider switches.I had initially planned to use an SR latch to do this but couldn't figure out how to make it ...
MendelumS's user avatar
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