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4 votes
1 answer

If I invert an I2S data line, it inverts the audio, right?

It seemed obvious to me, but then I read all these audio forums where they're talking about overflow, tones, etc. and I just want to make sure I'm not missing something. If you take an I2S signal: ...
endolith's user avatar
  • 29k
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My speaker connected to my TV is making weird noises only when playing videos [closed]

Apologies if this is the incorrect forum, if anyone knows of a better forum to ask on I would appreciate the redirection. I have a very specific issue regarding audio playback from my TV. I have a ...
Naudé Conradie's user avatar
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Transmitting I2S over 6ft

I've been looking at audio ADCs with most rated at 192Ksps with 24 bit audio. Typically the output is in I2S, but I understand that the signal is not intended to go far. I understand that HDMI can ...
LinuxGogley's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

The relationship between bit depth and SNR in ADC

An 8-bit audio signal has a theoretical maximum SNR of 48.16 dB (20log(2^8)). My question then would be, does this work in reverse, i.e. would an analogue audio (or video) signal with an SNR of <=...
pvmnerd999's user avatar