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Resetting 74HC4024 counter [closed]

I have this gate sequencer schematic I designed myself. Is it ok the way I'm resetting the 74HC4024 counter from the 74HC4051 outputs? (Connecting the 74HC4051 output straight to the 74HC4024 reset ...
frequency_abovetime's user avatar
4 votes
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Voltage Divider wrong result - EasyEda

I have the following schematic loaded in EasyEda Simulator mode. For some reason I get 3.615v instead of the 2.93v. Am I doing something wrong, or is the simulator just messing with me?
Vasileios Antoniadis's user avatar
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What design principles are used to create pipelined divider in RTL? [closed]

I know about division using iterative processes like Newton Raphson and Gold-Schmidt. These are not pipelined. What method or procedure then can be used to create a divider for fixed point maths? ...
gyuunyuu's user avatar
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Scale a rheostat range

I have a rheostat that ranges between 61/186 ohm, and I'm looking for a method to make it between 16/160 ohm, how can I achieve that using only passive components if possible please.
Vertinhol's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Problem implementing a voltage divider with a buffer amplifier

I'm currently working on a project where I need to implement a voltage divider followed by a buffer amplifier to scale down a voltage signal by a factor of ~10. However, I'm encountering some issues ...
LeCarthique's user avatar
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Two-way Wilkinson divider: why is R₂ = Z·K and R₃ = Z/K?

I am trying to understand why R2 = K · Z0 and R3 = Z0 / K. I get the power is not equally distributed over both ports, but why is one multiplying and the other dividing?
Sam Shurp 's user avatar
-1 votes
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Voltage divider for symmetrical DC power

Let's imagine there is a symmetrical DC power supply +10V and -10V and two resistors, R1=10k and R2=100k. What is the voltage in point A? What is the correct formula for this kind of calculation?
RonLat's user avatar
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Does this quesion have a solution? [closed]

Does this quesion have a solution? Is it possible to solve for any value or all four?
user355124's user avatar
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2 answers

How to apply the voltage divider formula based on the characteristics of an NTC

My main task is to make a 10k NTC sensor look like a 100k sensor. I have attached the first 3 images below which show the Excel sheet I am working on which includes the temperature (Range of -55 to ...
Mahnoor's user avatar
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2 answers

5V required from 13V supply

I have a 13V supply powering a brake light in my car. I'd like to take 5V from the line but I still want my bulb to get the power it's supposed to get. How can I do this?
Jack Tyu's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How can I make an LED strobe light for a turntable to replace a glimm light?

I'd like to make a LED strobe light for a turntable instead of the old glimm light. I've seen some solutions for it by using a crystal oscillator + divider to achieve 100 Hz (I'm in in the EU with 50 ...
driverhertz's user avatar
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Unexpected voltage shift on analog input

I have a resistor divider analog input circuit that has an off-board resistance applied in the form of a sensor. The off-board sensor/resistance can be anywhere from 300 Ω to 12 kΩ. I see strange ...
zme's user avatar
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SRT division: correcting BSD quotient

I have been reading a lot about the SRT division algorithm lately and I understand that the main idea is that it allows us to skip over addition/subtraction, unlike non-restoring division where we ...
s10101010's user avatar
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Please fix my broken understanding of this simple thermocouple circuit

Here's my qualm: As per the diagram, I can't understand how the trim probe (resistor) affects the meter reading for this thermocouple circuit. If I understand the diagram correctly, everything is ...
Bumblingidiot's user avatar
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Voltage divider for 14.4 V automotive signal - how can I achieve the same 5 V protection without a 5 V reference?

The atShiftSwitch signal is 12-14.4 V. I am looking to step this down to 5 V to use as an Arduino input atShiftSwitchSignal What I don't understand is what actually happens in this schematic if the ...
Josh's user avatar
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3 answers

Configuring regulator shut-off

I'm building a regulator based on the TPS63020 buck/boost converter, and I'd like to program a low-voltage shut-off. If I'm understanding it correctly, when VINA sees a falling voltage and it crosses ...
MiataMan's user avatar
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Circuit diagram to convert instrument level to mic level

I have a wireless mic transmitter/receiver system that I would like to use to connect to an acoustic electric guitar instead of a microphone. This isn’t part of the problem but will describe the setup....
Macdenewf's user avatar
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2 answers

1/60 Hz Counter/Divider

I have a fairly precise 1 Hz square wave that I would like to divide down to 1/60 Hz (1 pulse per minute). I want a one-chip solution and I am not having a lot of luck with this. I do not want a ...
Austin Fox's user avatar
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Voltage divider and ADC

I have been designing an adjustable voltage regulator using an LT1965 and DAC signal from a microcontroller as shown in the following picture. The output voltage is regulated between 1.8 and 5V using ...
Tomáš Havel's user avatar
-1 votes
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What is the function of a forward inverter and an inverted inverter in parallel in a digital circuit?

When I was simulating a divider using two D-latch as shown below (two D-latches in series,) I found that the circuit in the red rectangular is key to the differential D-latch. In fact, the circuit in ...
shang xu's user avatar
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Voltage divider formula

How to find value for both R1 and R2 for Vout=1.23 volts, where Pot=5K, Vin=4.5 - 12 volts? simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab In reality, I want to adjust lm2596 buck ...
Hida's user avatar
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Power Supply of op-amp [duplicate]

Is there any problem if I supply an op-amp with a voltage divider? I tried to supply an INA 128 op-amp with 15 V coming from a voltage divider. INA 128 used to do a substraction between 2 signals but ...
AlexS's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Position of voltage divider relative to measured voltage and analog input

I am designing a PCB that includes a resistor voltage divider to measure the output voltage of a regulator. I am aware, that position of some components on the PCB may affect the performance and ...
Tomáš Havel's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Resistive divider as resistors approach 0 ohms

Resistive divider when R1 = R2, split voltage in half because V = IR, and resistors in series add as Rtot = R1 + R2. It seems like this must break down as R1/2 approach 0 ohms. Anyone have a good ...
Ohm's user avatar
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Capacitive voltage divider question

I see a few discussions on this but cannot really find the "definitive" answer. I am building an audio amp and have two modules, one requires 18-0-18V AC and the other 12-0V AC, the 12V ...
John Earley's user avatar
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ESP32 Input Voltage Divider, Concept

Thank you for reading. I have read many other voltage divider explanations and calculators on this site as well as the web. My application is using a voltage divider to lower a possible 5 V signal (...
Sparky's user avatar
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behavior of a pipelined divider

Divider can be made combinational, which uses more logic gates.. Divider can be made sequential, the throughput may stay the same, i.e. use as many stages as the width of the dividend (assuming width ...
hardware noob's user avatar
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Warning: Gated clock check: Net ... is a gated clock net sourced by a combinatorial pin... using clock divider with Basys3 FPGA

I am trying to use a divider in order to make a modulus 10 counter on a Basys3 FPGA. The frequency of the FPGA's clock is 100 Mhz. I am getting the following warning when I try to use the clock ...
goahead97's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Clock Divider in VHDL Code

I have a question about the process that I wrote to divider a 1MHz clock down to a 10kHz clock. I don't know why my code always splits up like it does below, if someone can edit it to look better and ...
David777's user avatar
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