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2 answers

Mod Projector to Power On when Plugged In [closed]

I have a projector (it's a VOPLLS M10) that’s hooked up to a HomeKit enabled smart outlet, but the projector doesn’t power on when “plugged in” / smart outlet is turned on. The projector only turns on ...
Luck_Duracell's user avatar
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DIY board: double-sided SMD vs. joining two boards flat together?

I have this rough layout for a design with some serious space constraints: It has connectors on both sides and the layout rules out through-hole soldering. I only have access to a Hakko IR preheater ...
martona's user avatar
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3 answers

Tips for soldering some wires into a PCB

I need to solder some wires into a PCB, im dont really master soldering small pads or pins, so i need some help. I have a question too, those pads are already tinned, soldered, so can i apply some ...
tote46's user avatar
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1 answer

SSR with PCB design improvements

I have worked on this project of my own so I need to confirm that it will work Its a simple SSR with max. current rating of 20A (normal use will be around 13A) I use 40A TRIAC just for safe side(also ...
realprocess's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Drill through PCB or just use glue to mount component?

For a one-off hobby project I want to add a potentiometer to an existing two-sided PCB. There is an unpopulated zone (as far as I can tell) on the PCB that looks ideal, but I'd have to drill mounting ...
Your Uncle Bob's user avatar
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How to use a 2.4 GHz chip antenna for ESP32 design

I am designing a circuit board that will use a 2.4 GHz SMD chip antenna from Molex. I am a n00b/amateur at PCB design so forgive my ignorance - does it work nearly the same as how a PCB antenna works? ...
Brad Hesse's user avatar
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What programmable board should I use for my project? [closed]

I have a small project going on, you can call this a research project that I needed to pass a certain class。 But the thing is, I don't know what I should use Arduino? Raspberry Pi? Im a complete ...
Satou Kazuma's user avatar
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DIY Bluetooth speaker circuit won't turn on

I'm making a Bluetooth speaker and made a schematic which I'm using to follow to build the speaker. It's loosely based on this DIY video I saw online, here's the picture of the relevant parts I ...
Thanos's user avatar
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DIY Powered USB Hub PCB

For my home project I need to connect multiple Arduino's to a Raspberry Pi. My raspberry pi controls everything in my house and the arduino's are going to be used to get sensor data. I want to ...
BLB's user avatar
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2 answers

What causes a USB Cable to fry a PCB?

When assembling my own USB 2.0 spec cables, I haven't had any experience with frying PCBs they get plugged into (of custom-made keyboards primarily), but I hear stories of it happening. So I'm trying ...
rockwell's user avatar
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1 answer

PCB electroplating then etching

How can I protect the through holes copper which is electroplated from being etched away by the ferric chloride? Is there a resistive solution or it`s just the conductive ink.
Ahmed Emad's user avatar
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How did static charge ruin my control board?

We have a Thermia geothermal heat pump that was working fine up until we had a particularly bad thunderstorm. Lightning took out the power for a while and burned up a DSL modem, a router, and a IP ...
RobbZ's user avatar
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6 votes
6 answers

Techniques for building 'Bed of Nails' testing board

When testing a complete circuit board a 'Bed of Nails' can significantly reduce time and errors. What are some techniques for making a DIY Bed of Nails? ...
pzirkind's user avatar
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Getting circuit input on a computer

(Modified repost from stackoverflow since it might be more suited to this site) I wanted to try building an arcade stick starting as simple as possible(ICs and basic electronic components as opposed ...
Yamph's user avatar
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Hard drive won't power on, is this the reason why? [closed]

I have a somewhat old, but functional (used to be, actually) hard drive, model Samsung HD103SJ, which I use for backup purposes. This means this is not a fixed unit. Since a few weeks ago when I ...
Marc.2377's user avatar
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Microphone PCB Questions [closed]

I've been working on a project to build a microphone in DIY after finishing my audio engineering internship, but it seems like my knowledge in electronic isn't good enough to fully understand what i'm ...
Ja Mertz's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

What are an amateur's options to put a high-end IC on a board? [closed]

I'm actually an experimental physicist who does software-development for a living. So my knowledge basically stops at writing micro-controller programs and putting them on a breadboard, and hooking ...
The Quantum Physicist's user avatar
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Astable Multivibrator not oscilating

I am pretty new with this stuff, just learning. I wanted to make a simple PCB, and as this was my first project, I decided to go with astable multivibrator circuit, to oscillate 2 LED's using ...
Avetis Zakharyan's user avatar
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How to find connections on board? - DIY Keyboard from Old Laptop

I have a project that I have hit a wall on. I need your guidance! I need to find the spots on the board for the 4 USB connections. The attached photo is of the board. There are 4 connections I need ...
Brian G.'s user avatar
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Proper storage of ferric cloride PCB etchant

I etch about half a dozen printed circuit boards each year at home, using an aqueous ferric chloride AKA iron(III) chloride etchant solution. As I want to minimize the costs and hassle of buying new ...
jms's user avatar
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Why did my homemade PCB turn out like this?

I did a first experiment with the UV-lamp + Transparency + Presensitized-Board method. Using a randomly drawn pattern, this was my (promising but unsatisfactory) result: What could typically be the ...
boardbite's user avatar
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What kind of equipment would I need to apply nonpermanent extension wires to test points of a PCB so I can access them via a microcontroller?

This is a DIY project. The title question is the first problem I'm considering, but the entire project is the goal I'm not an expert in hardware, but neither am I uninitiated. Put me at around an ...
0xFFF1's user avatar
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