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2 answers

What causes a USB Cable to fry a PCB?

When assembling my own USB 2.0 spec cables, I haven't had any experience with frying PCBs they get plugged into (of custom-made keyboards primarily), but I hear stories of it happening. So I'm trying ...
rockwell's user avatar
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Which end is host in a USB-C to USB-C charging/power cable?

I have two different kinds of DIY USB-C kind that is rigged to be a "host" USB-C connector (pulled-up with a 56k resistor per spec), and the other is rigged to be a "device" USB-C ...
rockwell's user avatar
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3 votes
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What causes failure in longer USB cables?

I wired up some USB-C 2.0 to USB-A 2.0 cables, and tested the maximum length I could get out of them when connecting a PC (host, USB-A) to an external hard drive (device, USB-C). I got stable power ...
rockwell's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Problems trying to wire a USB-C cable

I have been trying to figure out how to custom wire a USB-C to USB-A cable for a while, with no luck.I have tried some different connectors, but wanted to get some outside ideas on what I might be ...
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