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Estimate susceptibility of circuits to external electrical field strength

I will be soon testing a product to an electric field spectrum requirement (i.e. in the 100's of dBµV/m vs MHz), and it shouldn't be a problem because of how small the values are compared to the ...
Mister Mystère's user avatar
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Can you charge a capacitor with very high voltage and no or little current from secondary side of a step up transformer?

Based on the research I did online and after reading basic electrical books I understand that a capacitor stores energy in the form of electric fields. So I understand that, to charge a capacitor, all ...
Yogie's user avatar
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Electric field in a circuit and potential drop

With reference to the above image: Here the battery produces a constant (will it be constant? pl. explain) electric field across the length of the wire, lets say its value is \$\vec E\$ . This field ...
Spencer's user avatar
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13 votes
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Is the electric field in a wire constant?

If \$V=I\cdot R\$ according to Ohm's Law, that implies that \$\frac{\mathrm dV}{ \mathrm dx} = \frac{I \rho}A\$ across an infinitesimal length of conductor, which is constant at all points along the ...
Ryan's user avatar
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If greater potential energy is toward pos charge, then why PN energy band diagram show lower energy toward pos charge across depletion region?

If in an electric field, greater potential energy and voltage are toward the positive charge and away from negative charge, then why do PN energy band diagrams indicate lower energies toward the ...
user1621287's user avatar