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Does my GPIO Expander have a floating pin? [Button and pull-up resistor]

I am using GPIO expanders (MCP23017) for an array of buttons. Each button is connected between GND and an input pin of the expander. I've enabled the 100k internal pull-up resistor on the MCP23017 (...
Nate.Olson's user avatar
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Confused by i/o expander datasheet note re internal pull-ups

The inputs on the NXP PCAL6524 i/o expander can be configured with internal pull-up or pull-down resistors. The datasheet states, "External resistors are required for inputs... that may float. If ...
Slothrop's user avatar
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Pull up/down a pin on a PCA9536 does not register?

Quite a obscure question here, concerning a very specific I2C expander IC, however I believe that this example can be replicated with most expander bus ICs. I am using a PCA9536 to switch the 4 pins ...
GeoReb's user avatar
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Are pull-up resistors needed when connecting buttons to a IO expander?

I'm connecting many momentary switches to a IO expander, like the MCP23017: . I read that I need to put pull-up resistors for each switch connected to the MCP23017. On another place (datasheet), I ...
Basj's user avatar
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