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Questions tagged [fluorescent-lamp]

A fluorescent lamp or fluorescent tube is a very low pressure mercury-vapor gas-discharge lamp that uses fluorescence to produce visible light.

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Repurposing CFL ballast for different bulb (UVC)

I am attempting to repurpose the (electronic) ballast contained within a CFL lamp to power a UV-C bulb (mercury discharge, uncoated tube) for disinfection purpose, and out of general interest in ...
Blkbox's user avatar
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How does this electrical ballast need to be wired to the flyback transformer?

I just got myself a flyback transformer and an electrical ballast for fluorescent lamps as I heard those can be used together. The electrical ballast is supposed to generate a high frequency which ...
hanslhansl's user avatar
-1 votes
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Fluorescent tube ballast

I have a pair of old fluorescent tubes in my garage. One works fine. It has the conventional ballast arrangement with a series choke together with a power factor correction capacitor connected between ...
brian_mk's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Efficiency or longevity issues when using 2 lamps on a 4-lamp fluorescent ballast?

To answer this question I guess we need to know the circuit construction details of commercial electronic fluorescent ballasts. Is there a downside (either power efficiency or ballast longevity) when ...
Peggy Schafer's user avatar