Questions tagged [gcc]

The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) is a collection of open source compilers. Originally it only supported the C programming language but now also supports C++, Objective-C, Java and several other languages. The C and C++ compilers are popular for embedded development and support cross-compiling to many popular target processors.

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Atmel Studio: redefine weak function

I want to write my own implementation of SERCOM3_Handler. I put its definition in my main.c, try to compile it and get "multiple definition of SERCOM3_Handler" error. Why is this happening? The ...
c_spk's user avatar
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How to create address independent code for STM32F746?

I need to create an address independent, dynamically reallocable code for STM32F746: a code (program) that I will store in one place (i.e. external Flash), than load it into the RAM (internal or ...
Gordan Rancic's user avatar
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What shall be changed about stm32f4x7_eth_bsp.c

I am using STM32f407ZGT6. FreeRTOS is running perfectly on Board! I have included Ethernet files. According compilation of Windows Commander stating that it was compiled lacked free. But if one ...
goethe's user avatar
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Accessing MCU OP-Memory

Currently, I am trying to access the mapped IO-memory of my controller (STM32H7A3) in C-Code. Sadly, the debugger (Segger J-Link via SWD) does not reflect any changes in the IO-Memory (Also the ...
ElectronicsStudent's user avatar
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Why does _init cause a fault within __libc_init_array on an STM32F4?

I'm trying to build a firmware for an STM32F401CCU6 "black pill" development board using a CMake toolchain I've created from scratch in order to test mapping C++ classes to peripheral memory ...
dylanweber's user avatar
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will i need header file "atxmega128.h" for porting from IAR to GCC?

i have a code for avr that write with iar, and have a header file,"ATxmega128A3.h. if i want to port this code to GCC (i am working with atmel studio),will i need to call this header file, or this ...
AqaRashid's user avatar
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How to share function or variable address between c and assembly filese in same project using GCC compiler on ARM Cortex M4

I am using a micro-controller with ARM Cortex M4 processor and GCC - GNU ARM compiler. Some functions are written in c in .c file and in assembly in .asm file. My questions are as follows : How can ...
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