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Questions tagged [gerber]

Gerber files are a standard way to define how to build a PCB. The current standard is RS-274X. This tag should be used for questions dealing with generating, importing/exporting, and validating Gerber files.

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-2 votes
4 answers

Is there a way to search like CTRL+F in Gerbers or a PCB picture to find a specific part?

Is there any way to search for a component with the new AI advancement in image text search? When I am looking for a part, I typically search through the silkscreen or the PCB itself, until I find it. ...
Ankit_Gunner's user avatar
0 votes
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Can you give the same voltage for high voltage power rail and low voltage logic power rail in a HV5308 shift register?

Background info: Hi, I am looking at a Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS) board fabricated according to the specifications in the OpenRIS project ( In their ...
Kaviya Rajendran's user avatar
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Import Gerbers into Altium - Plane shapes wrong

I'm trying to convert some gerbers into an Altium PCB file using Camtastic and everything imports fine for the most part but the annoying thing is planes will import as stacked horizontal 1 mil tracks ...
BrownKuma's user avatar
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Gerber files sequence [closed]

I have the following Gerber files from the manufacturer for order confirmation. As I inspected them, I have inferred that the order of the copper layers from top to bottom are tl, l3, l2 and bl. But ...
Semih's user avatar
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Gerber X1 to Gerber X2 [duplicate]

I have gerber files from a client. Their extensions are: .fph, .fpl, .pho, .rep, .drl, .lst, .dxf. Of these, I know .drl are the drill files and .dxf is the mechanical drawing. Also, there is a .fph ...
Rohit Kulkarni's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

autodesk eagle 9.6.2 and appropriate gerber files for one-sided printed circuit board

I am designing a one-sided printed circuit board using Autodesk Eagle 9.6.2. In this design I put the components on the top of the board and the traces on the bottom of the board. All the ...
keikaku's user avatar
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1 answer

Can I convert Gerber X1 to Gerber X2 or Gerber X3?

I have Gerber files (.pho and .fph) files provided by the customer. I do not have pcb schematic and pcb design for this board. I need to convert these Gerber files to Gerber X3 format. For a PCB which ...
Rohit Kulkarni's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Altium full-stack pad custom shape

I an currently trying to reconstruct a PCB in Altium from the Gerber files. So far, I have been able to import the Gerbers in a PCB document. The existing Gerbers have through-hole pads that have a ...
ESD's user avatar
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How can I make CircuitMaker generate gerber files for 2 PCB's

Right now I have 2 schematics and 2 PCBs in one project in Circuit Maker. When I generate Gerber output files for the project, it only does the PCB that I first created. Is there a way to have it ...
Coconut's user avatar
4 votes
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Attempting to patch the "G75 Bug" on a Gerber Level

Context I am currently looking for alternative PCB manufacturers for my company and have sent Gerber files to some (Chinese) companies. These Gerber files have already been used in the past by various ...
Sim Son's user avatar
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2 answers

Verification of Gerber file layers

I have old PCB Altium design files and Gerber files. I want to cross check Gerbers with design files. However I'm trying by visually checking, but I know that's not a smart technique to do that. Is ...
Bhushan Waghe's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Modifying Gerber file

I am using the X-NUCLEO-NFC02A1 development board for one of my projects. But I want to make a few modifications to that board design. So I tried to download the Gerber file from the manufacturer's ...
Isuru Bhathiya's user avatar
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Can't import Gerber file into Altium properly

I am importing the top overlay Gerber file of the Arduino UNO board. The Gerber file looks like this when opened in Altium: When I imported it into my PCB drawing, it doesn't look the same as in the ...
Cao Minh Đặng's user avatar
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Proteus - Schematic and Gerbers to Layout?

We have a problem with an old PCB designed using Proteus. We only have the schematic and the Gerber output. Is there any way we can regenerate the layout from those?
Dirk Bruere's user avatar
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Gerber files can't be exported to PCB in Altium

I followed this tutorial on how to import and generate a PCB from gerber files. At first it wasn't working because the files had the extension .pho but I fixed that. Now when I go through the steps ...
thunderbootyclap's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

KiCad Gerber vs Layout Error

When I look at a certain footprint on my PCB, either in the PCB document, the 3D viewer, or in the footprint editor, the pads all have clearance between each other. However, there is an overlap in the ...
Jake Hertz's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

What are the markings on this PCB?

I have an E322822 circuit board with the markings of A.F.054.5/04 08_03. Wat do those markings mean? How do I get the Gerber file for this board?
Darren's user avatar
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Exported same file in Gerber X2 and ODB++ and diffrent result

Using Altium I exported the same PCB in Gerber X2 and ODB++ and sent it to production (so they could choose what file format they preferred). The manufacturer came back asking why the design did not ...
exzb's user avatar
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The best gerber viewer or methodology for spotting differences

I am working on improving my company's PCB revision process. There will be occasions where the copper layer stays the same but only the silkscreen layer is revised, and I would like to find a way to ...
HumbleBumble's user avatar
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How can I select what Gerber file a PCB layer should be added to?

I am trying to make a panelized PCB that can be sent to manufacturing. The panel consists of several different PCBs. I am having trouble with exporting the PCB layers to the correct Gerber file. One ...
user127515's user avatar
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3 answers

Can I edit a PCB in Altium, if I only have the Gerber files?

I only have the Gerber files; can I open them in Altium, and somehow generate a .pcbdoc file that I can work with (route signal, pour copper planes, place components, etc.)?
RGB Engineer's user avatar
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Comparing an already printed circuit board with Gerber files

It's my first time working with PCBs, however I have been given a task during my internship. My task is to compare an already existed PCB hardware with its Gerber files. The Gerber files I have with ...
Ridwan 's user avatar
-3 votes
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Gerber and silkscreen [closed]

I have a question regarding PCB manufacturing process and gerber files: if a made a change only on the silkscreen layer, can I send only this layer to the PCB manufacturer ?
D_A_8's user avatar
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3 answers

Can you use a Gerber file and a PCB printer to make a stencil?

I need to solder a tiny 3 mm by 5 mm SMD. Thankfully my school has a reflow oven that can do the actual soldering part, but I still need to accurately get the solder paste on there, so I was thinking ...
DRC's user avatar
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2 answers

Getting XY Coordinates (Pick and Place file) from Gerber

I need to generate a Pick and place file from Gerbers received for a specific project. Is there any program that will be able to generate these files from gerbers files? At the moment I need to do it ...
Neil Heckroodt's user avatar
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Error while generation gerber files

I've created a layout and I want to generate gerber files for further production. I'm using Cadence OrCAD software. But when I try to Create Artwork, I'm getting an error. I've checked the dbdoctor ...
Marco Svizzeri's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Why is my Altium gerber file merging component borders with a polygon pour?

I have a pcb design which has two layers with two star ground polygon pours respectively, and all the components are throughhole. When I generate gerber files however, on both layers the border of the ...
A.boj's user avatar
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Different options when generating gerber/ drill files after PCB designing/ layout

I am generating gerber files for manufacturing of my PCB. I have completed my PCB layout. When generating gerber files/ drill files I am getting several options. What are they? I have highlighted the ...
AlphaParticle's user avatar
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FlatCAM black plotting area problem

I am trying to learn to use this software called FlatCAM that converts gerber files into gcode. The problem is that my plotting area is completly black, and when I open the gerber files, I don't see ...
Nau's user avatar
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Gerber interpretation of "clear" on silkscreen

I've had some PCBs back from my manufacturer which I haven't used before, and was surprised with some silkscreen printing which I consider to be an error. The bottom should have had no silkscreen ...
jonathanjo's user avatar
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0 answers

Eagle Gerber Files Warnings

This is my first time to get a gerber output from a .brd. I've followed this way: Cam Processor -> Load JobFile -> Local Cam Jobs -> Examples -> Legacy -> I've encountered two warnings ...
Das D.'s user avatar
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0 answers

Layer Type Detection Bug in Altium Designer

When I open the "Layer Types Detection Template" by going to "Tables" -> "Layer Type Detection..." I see a list of "Layer Type" and next to that, the "Layer Type String Template". The strings that are ...
Ryan's user avatar
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2 answers

What Gerber File Viewer is This?

PCBWay sent me this image while trying to troubleshoot my circuit board file content not showing up. I want to know if this program is available so I can download/buy it to troubleshoot my output ...
Hackstaar's user avatar
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3 answers

How does a board file (brd) differ from a Gerber file? Why use one over the other?

There are several graphical PCB viewers available and they read what appears to be a standard board file (.BRD) format. Eagle and other PCB designing applications generate board files, but also ...
user148298's user avatar
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3 answers

How to determine vias and through holes from 4-layer Gerber files

I'm trying to understand the difference between the vias and plated through-holes in these reference Gerber files. On layer 3, I don't understand why there are so many holes (vias)?. Why are some ...
user49706's user avatar
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1 answer

Designspark Positive/Negative Setting for Gerber grayed out

i want to create gerber files for a pcb. One gerber file per layer more specifically. I have made gerber file on designspark many times before, but now the Positive/Negative option in output ...
Χριστιανίδης Βασίλειος's user avatar
2 votes
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EAGLE - VIAS are smaller on the screen than in the actual gerber

Hi I have upgraded EAGLE to 9.5 and have one quite serious issue. The VIAS are displayed smaller than in the actual gerber file or manufacturing preview. Do you know the option which will force Eagle ...
0___________'s user avatar
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Gerber viewer confusion - missing traces

I'm not sure about my gerber files. I guess there is something wrong. In different gerber viewers the PCB looks right. But in online viewers from JLCPCB and PCBway, the bottom view looks wrong. Some ...
Momchilo's user avatar
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Incorrect gerber rout output in Altium

I tried to get a panelized PCB from Altium using the embedded array option from the PCB Doc file. But, I get a continuous board edge around each of the PCB replicas: it would actually need mouse bites ...
Dev San's user avatar
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Altium Gerber Top Paste is missing components

I just finished the design of my board on Altium, and when I generate the Gerber files, everything seems correct except for the Top Paste File, looks like some components are missing on this file. Any ...
MoisesDS's user avatar
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Drawing with a triangular aperture in Gerber

So, I`d like to output a rounded equilateral triangle in Gerber format. The first method I tried was to pick a large triangular aperture (%ADD11P,8X3*%, that is) ...
hidefromkgb's user avatar
2 votes
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Altium 19 stack manager and Gerber file setup

I have installed Altium Designer 19 recently but I have two problems with this version: First of all, when I open the layer stack manager I can not see "save and load and advance" at bottom. I don't ...
a2640's user avatar
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Which gerber files I need to send to my PCB manufacturer?

My PCB has two layers. I'm using altium and, after to generate the gerber files, I will to generate the drill files and send to a PCB's manufacturer. But, about mechanical gerber files extensions, ...
Daniel's user avatar
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How to export gerber with milling layer in EAGLE 9?

I've got a pcb design with some high voltage traces that are separated with a line drawn on milling layer (46). How to generate a valid gerber file for manufacturer (JLCPCB) with informations about ...
kamillabaarnowak's user avatar
6 votes
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How to convert a RS-274D gerber to RS-274X

I got from a website some gerber files, I tried to have them printed, but they told me that the format is not supported and I need to convert to RS-274X. I've tried using gerbv to open the gerbers ...
Mauro F.'s user avatar
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Difference between top pad master and top solder mask gerber files?

I generated gerber files to the pcb manufacturer, but I noticed that the top pad master (.GPT) was not generated, the top solder mask (.gts) was. The pcb manufacturer did not complain, but I'm ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Export Gerber File from Keysight ADS and import in Eagle

Hello, I want to import my microstrip patch antenna design from ADS into my Eagle-Board-View. Therefore I exported a Gerber-File, which looks good in the Gerber-Viewer. Inside Eagle, i used Gerber-...
Daniel R.'s user avatar
1 vote
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Altium Gerber File Copper Breaks

I'm getting some really weird effects on my Gerber File outputs from Altium Altium 18.1.9, using OutJob Files, here are my settings My layers look completely normal with a copper pour for the ...
Katie's user avatar
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Gerber Viewer With Good Measurement / Distance Tools?

I'm trying to measure some trace widths using Camtastic in Altium. I have to say, I really find Camtastic very finnicky when I try to zoom and pan. The measure distance function (which I am trying ...
Leroy105's user avatar
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Set of Gerber layer files (*.GBO, *.GBP, ...) and how to merge them into a single file in Ubuntu

I'm new to electronics and PCB projects, but I would like to be able to print a board for the following (so-called) power board: Here's the project:
ponadto's user avatar
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