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Questions tagged [hx711]

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Load cell value becomes negative when above certain force

I have a 100 gram load cell with the hx711 amplifier board. I have it wired up to an arduino nano with an NRF24L01 module to send the raw value to another arduino nano. The problem is that when I aply ...
user21326959's user avatar
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2 answers

hx711 high current consumption

I have one hx711 module connected a 200 kg load cell and I'm measuring a high current consumption: around 13mA where the datasheet says it should be around 1mA. Cabling is as follows: usb to the mcu (...
Axel Angel's user avatar
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Voltage references to keep load cell readings stable

My load cell readings (handled by my HX711) become unstable when I replug the USB cable (which is powering my ESP32-C3). And they become stable again if I reset the ESP32-C3. Someone told me it was a ...
wyc's user avatar
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Is a USB power adapter a more unstable source of power than a computer?

When I use my mini PC to power my ESP32-C3 and HX711, my load cell readings are somewhat stable. But if I use a USB power adapter (my phone's) as a power supply, my load cell readings become more ...
wyc's user avatar
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10 µF and 0.1 µF capacitors not making any difference in filtering out noise

I have two circuits (green and brown) featuring a load cell, HX711, and ESP32-C3: The HX711 and ESP32-C3 go on top of those round female pin header. The only difference between them is that one is ...
wyc's user avatar
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Caps vs. no caps = the same noise?

This is a setup with an ESP32-C3 and HX711. In this oscilloscope reading, there is a 10 μF cap and a 0.1 μF cap across the VCC and GND of the HX711 (it makes the load cell readings more stable). In ...
wyc's user avatar
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Is putting capacitors in both ESP32 and HX711 overkill in this circuit?

I was getting erratic readings from my HX711, which was receiving power supply from my ESP32. I figured it was catching noise and power fluctuations from my ESP32. So I added a 0.1 μF capacitor and a ...
wyc's user avatar
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Is it normal for load cells (and HX711) to give negative values when there is no load applied?

My load cell (and HX711) gives values like these (44~45 g is with an object put on top): ...
wyc's user avatar
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HX711 analog supply regulator current draw in sleep mode

I use HX711 ADC in my board that use LiPol battery as an only energy storage. I used the same circuit as Sparkfun's board. In my case, VCC is provided by STNS01 battery management IC - so it's either ...
Droidik's user avatar
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Very irregular reading of load cells with the hx711 (on an ESP32)

I'm using an ESP32-S3-WROOM-1U and a four load cells, connected in a full Wheatstone bridge to an HX711 to read the weight of an ...
stdcerr's user avatar
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HX711 gaps in data

I am using an HX711 connected to a Raspberry Pi Pico to read some load cells and send the data up to a Raspberry Pi via USB, using a Python library for the HX711. I am chasing an intermittent problem ...
David G's user avatar
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load cell calibration with HX711

I am trying to calibrate four 50kg Weight Sensors with Arduino's HX711 Amplifier AD Module. I am getting a variable range of errors. I am using this video as a reference link below. It shows me use a ...
Ankit_Gunner's user avatar
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Replacing a Hx711 load cell ADC with ADS1256

I bought a set of this 1kg load cell and Hx711 ACD and it works great. Unfortunately the Hx711 ADC only offers 80SPS which is to slow for my application. I want keep the load cell and replace the ...
konrad's user avatar
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What is the HX711 measuring?

I've read the library for the HX711 Avia Semiconductor, and I don't understand the read() function. From what I can tell, the other functions use ...
kenntnisse's user avatar
-1 votes
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What would happen if I connected VCC of HX711 to 5V but DT and SCK go to ESP32 GPIO pins?

What would happen if I connected VCC of HX711 breakout board to 5V but DT and SCK go to any GPIO pins of ESP32? Would that damage the ESP32 GPIO pins because are rated for 3.3V? Can consider the ...
be-ee's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

How to detect if HX711 connected to microcontroller?

I am using Raspberry Pi Pico, HX711, stepper and RFID. I want to make PCB for it. My system can work with or without HX711. If system has HX711, stepper spins until the weight value of HX711. If ...
Tryingtogetsome's user avatar