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Questions tagged [hx711]

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6 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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HX711 analog supply regulator current draw in sleep mode

I use HX711 ADC in my board that use LiPol battery as an only energy storage. I used the same circuit as Sparkfun's board. In my case, VCC is provided by STNS01 battery management IC - so it's either ...
Droidik's user avatar
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HX711 gaps in data

I am using an HX711 connected to a Raspberry Pi Pico to read some load cells and send the data up to a Raspberry Pi via USB, using a Python library for the HX711. I am chasing an intermittent problem ...
David G's user avatar
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What is the HX711 measuring?

I've read the library for the HX711 Avia Semiconductor, and I don't understand the read() function. From what I can tell, the other functions use ...
kenntnisse's user avatar
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Load cell value becomes negative when above certain force

I have a 100 gram load cell with the hx711 amplifier board. I have it wired up to an arduino nano with an NRF24L01 module to send the raw value to another arduino nano. The problem is that when I aply ...
user21326959's user avatar
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load cell calibration with HX711

I am trying to calibrate four 50kg Weight Sensors with Arduino's HX711 Amplifier AD Module. I am getting a variable range of errors. I am using this video as a reference link below. It shows me use a ...
Ankit_Gunner's user avatar
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Replacing a Hx711 load cell ADC with ADS1256

I bought a set of this 1kg load cell and Hx711 ACD and it works great. Unfortunately the Hx711 ADC only offers 80SPS which is to slow for my application. I want keep the load cell and replace the ...
konrad's user avatar
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