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Impedance of antenna and noise propagation

I would like to better understand how noise is radiated. Suppose the circuit under study is a circuit with a DC/DC converter (source of noise) and an analog circuit (receiver) which is very sensible ...
Jess's user avatar
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Can you reduce audio noise by decreasing input impedance with a resistive load?

First asked this over at sound stackexchange but they pointed me over here as a better place for it. A general question but inspired by a specific example so framed as such. I have powered studio ...
Jazz Weisman's user avatar
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Why is the input noise of an op-amp often lower than the Johnson noise equivalent to its input impedance?

As an example, the OPA227 has 3.5nV/sqrt(Hz) input voltage noise density (at 10Hz). Its input impedance is 10MΩ, which has an equivalent Johnson noise of 1μV/sqrt(Hz) at room temperature - much larger ...
Sean's user avatar
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How to set Rin & Rfb to optimize input impedance / Johnson noise of an opamp circuit?

This question follows great answers I got for my previous question about GBW. It teaches me I should use two stages in my microphone preamp project. This leads me to this question: Considering the ...
MeatBallRagu's user avatar
11 votes
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How to avoid Johnson noise in high input impedance amplifier

I don't have a circuit I'm working on, this is more of a theoretical question - I am trying to remedy a flaw in my understanding. Imagine I want to build a high input impedance amplifier to work in ...
Jack B's user avatar
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